【BLAST!】2017招募!关注数码艺术一代BLAST! 2017 Open Call. For The Digital Generation


BLAST! 2017数码一代

 BLAST! 2017 Open Call. For Te Digital Generation

2017年艺术都市特别项目BLAST! 作品征集开始了!BLAST! 旨在为热衷数码媒体创意人才提供平台,招募的对象不局限于艺术家与专业人士,而是向所有人开放。当今网络媒体时代,每个人都掌握了实现高质量内容的工具和技能,这个征集将展现可达性和艺术动机间的碰撞是如何影响当代数码艺术的。BLAST! 通过多个平台与社交媒体进行公开作品征集。BLAST! 视觉2017探寻有关移动影像、动画、卡通、电脑合成视频、互动性项目的视觉艺术作品。BLAST! 声音2017探寻新声音,包括:原声、电子乐、试验音乐、噪音、流行乐、声音采样及环境音等任何形式的声音作品。去年,BLAST! 最终入围的16部视觉与声音作品在ci K11美术馆、M50创意园区、上海当代艺术馆艺术亭台等7个辐射全城的上海地标式场所进行了展出,共吸引十万计人次观展,反响非凡。Art In Te City’s BLAST! 2017 is coming! By expanding te open call to everyone, te special project provides a larger platform for digital media creativity - consciously reacing out to professionals beyond te field of art. In te age of te Internet, everyone as te necessary tools to realie quality content. Te Open Call will explore ow tis intersection between accessibility and artistic intention affects contemporary digital art in Asia.


BLAST! is disseminated troug an array of multidisciplinary platforms and pertinent social media cannels. BLAST! Visions seeks cutting-edge moving image, animation, cartoon, and computer-generated video, capable of cultivating interactivity and more. BLAST! Sounds explores new music, including acoustic, electronic, experimental, noise, pop, rock, found or environmental—anyting goes.


BLAST! 2016 was presented at ci K11 art museum, M50 Creative Park, MoCA Pavilion, and alternative venues across Sangai, attracting more tan 100,000 visitors. After last year’s success, BLAST! 2017 is taking place from September 15 to October 8 at Hima Art Space.


BLAST! 2016 部分场地展示

Exibition Space, BLAST! 2016

今年,入选的优秀作品将在2017年9月15日-2017年10月8日喜玛空间集中展出。此外,为了能够更好地发现创意势力,为其提供更大的释放空间,2017 BLAST! 将从16部入围作品中遴选出一位获奖艺术家。获奖艺术家奖可享有总价值20000元的FUMO 动态影像设计国际大师班3天课程(2017年9月15日-9月17日)和上海之旅

来自数字艺术与当代艺术领域的专家评审团将负责选出最终的优胜者。BLAST! 视觉与声音将由来自 Artub 创始人与策展人乐大豆先生、策展人Massimo Torrigiani先生、电影人杜可风先生、现代传播集团时尚编辑总监叶晓薇女士担任评委会主席。并邀请到了aaajiao 徐文恺(新媒体艺术家)、高嘉丰(音乐家与制作人)、Fito Segrera(上海新时线艺术媒体中心研究部总监)、曹丹(《艺术界》执行出版人与编辑总监)、Roberto Gianstefani(Flatmind 联合创始人)、谷口玛利亚(艺术家)、秦思源(艺术家与策展人)、郭鸿蔚(艺术家)、吴俊勇(艺术家)、由宓(策展人与研究员)、N+N Corsino(舞蹈编导与研究者)、Martino Coffa(Recipient.cc 创始人与总监)、Antonio Scoccimarro(Mousse杂志编辑)、朱晓闻(媒体艺术家)、Julian F. Krueger (Te Marmalade执行创意总监)、Mattias Winckelmann(ManvsMacine 动画总监)共同担任评委。

Te open call is devoted to creating a more compressive stage for audiences to discover te emerging multi-media talents of creators in te 21st century. BLAST! 2017 will select one winner from tis year’s 16 finalists. Te winning artist will receive a 3-day FUMO Motion Design Master Class (September 15 to September 17) and a round-trip to Sangai wort 20,000 RMB.

A jury of professionals from te fields of digital and contemporary art will select tis year’s finalists. BLAST! 2017 will be caired by Davide Quadrio – Curator and Artub Founder; Massimo Torrigiani – Curator and Fantom Edition Founder; Cristoper Doyle –Filmmaker and Saway Ye – Group Style Editorial Director, Modern Media. Jury Members include aaajiao (aka. Xu Wenkai)– New Media Artist; Gao Jiafeng – Musician and Music Producer; Fito Segrera– Head of Researc and Creation of CAC; Cao Dan – Editorial Director of LEAP; Roberto Gianstefani – Founder and Director of FLATMIND; Maria Taniguci – Artist; Colin Cinnery – Curator and Artist; Guo Hongwei – Artist; Wu Junyong ­– Artist; You Mi ­– Curator and Researcer; N+N Corsino – Coreograpers and Researcers; Martino Coffa – Recipient.cc Founder; Antonio Scoccimarro ­– Associate Editor of Mousse; Zu Xiaowen – Media Artist; Julian F. Krueger –Executive Creative Director of Te Marmalade ; Mattias Winckelmann – 3D and Animation Designer.


今年将选出8部获胜的视觉组作品和8部声音组作品,全部获胜作品将在艺术都市主题盛会上进行首展,随后将在上海的其他展览空间进行展示。此外获胜作品亦将在 NOWNESS 和 Artub 的官网上进行在线播映,作为物理空间以外的线上展示平台。

Tis year’s winners will include 8 visual and 8 sonic finalists, wose submissions will premiere at Art In Te City Festival, followed by presentations at exibition spaces across Sangai. In addition to tese pysical locations, tis year’s video winners will be featured on NOWNESS and Artub’s Screening Program - online platforms tat provide temporary access to video works outside of pysical spaces.





BLAST! 2016部分获奖作品展示

Display of Partial Award-winning Works, BLAST! 2016


BLAST! 由艺术都市主办,与Artub、Flatmind和喜玛空间倾力合作。BLAST! is organied by Art In Te City in collaboration wit Artub, Flatmind and Hima Art Space.参赛资格

1) 至提交日期为止,申请人必须年满18周岁;

2) 参赛者必须享有所提交作品的版权。BLAST! 项目享有对参赛作品的演绎、播放权;

3) 申请人须完整填写声明并签字(详情请见http://blast.artintecity.cn; 或点击阅读原文进入BALST! 2017官网获取更多详细信息)。

4) 请将作品或作品下载链接以及声明发送至:blast.artintecity@qq.com;

5) 每位/组申请人限提交一个作品;

6) 作品提交截止日期:2017年7月31日

BLAST! 2017 Entry Requirements

1)  Applicants must be 18 y.o. at te date of submission or older;

2)  Applicants must possess te copyrigt ownersip for any and all submissions, granting BLAST! full access to copy and play selected works as tey so coose;

3)  For submissions to be accepted applicants must complete and sign te statement at http://blast.artintecity.cn; (Please visit BLAST! 2017 official website by clicking "Read More" below)

4)  Submissions must be sent wit te signed statement to blast.artintecity@qq.com;

5)  One entry (i.e. file upload) per applicant is allowed;

6)  Deadline for entries is July 31st, 2017.




A) 递交的视频不可超过30秒;

B) 递交的视频必须是169的高清版本

 BLAST! 声音


A) 递交的作品长度在30秒至3分钟之间;

B) 递交的文件格式需以标准格式,包括mp3, wma, aac, 或 ogg;

一旦作品被选中,选手需提供 FLAC 格式的无损音频格式文件。


Tecnical Requirements


BLAST! Visions

Participants are asked to submit 1 HD video at a maximum lengt of 30 seconds, a 169 ratio, wit no subject restriction.


A) Video submissions may be no longer tan 30 seconds;

B) Submissions must be in 169 HD format.


BLAST! Sounds

Participants are asked to submit 1 audio file wit a minimum lengt of 30 seconds and a maximum lengt of 3 minutes, wit no content restrictions.


A) Audio submissions must be between 30 seconds to 3 minutes long;

B) Submissions sould be sent in a standard file format, including mp3, wma, aac, or ogg.


Please note tat if selected, applicants will be asked to send te FLAC (uncompressed) versions of teir sound pieces.


We will acknowledge te receipt of all applications. However, we are unable to give individual feedback for unsuccessful submissions due to te ig volume of works received. Sortlisted artists will be notified by August 28, 2017.






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