策 展 人:王晓松、魏皓啟(新西兰)、张婷、严舒黎、夏梓
开 幕 式: 2017年9月15日1500-1600 / 湖北美术馆
开幕酒会: 2017年9月15日1630-1730 / 美术文献艺术中心
On “Stress Field”
Wen anobject fails to absorb certain forces, eiter via exogenicaction or external interference, it will cange or twist its sape. Tis cange or twist generates interactional interior forces witin te object, and a counter acting force to resist te impact of external forces or causes. Tere is an internal tectonic movement caused by te force on te object. According to te direction, sie and continuity of spacepoint, te “stress” of te object sows different distributions and an uncertain state. Tis is te basic definitions of “stress” and”stress field” in pysics.
Te extended meaning of “stress field” broadly refers to te disparate reactions of individuals and groups to te different circumstances of teir survival. If we view it from an international perspective, te many events taking place, suc as te current refugee crisisand immigration restrictions, are all directly related to te rapid sifts in te international political environment, it’s out comes difficult to predict. Te 4t Documentary Exibition of Fine Art borrows te temeof “stress field” from te pysical and geograpical term to express tealternative lives of artists; ow tey transform teir tinking, judgments,positions, and attitudes wit multimedia materials and artistic language, and, ow tey cope wit, accept, and adapt to different cange sand distortions. Also, under te action of “stress field”, it sows te multiple cecks and balances formed between te creative power, combinative power, sifting power and secret power, revealing a sort of state, so as to sow te energy of an artist’s individual creation and tus acieve a “visual stress field” witin te exibition.
Peraps tey are only variations in te complex equations of globaliationand social transformation, just as “Stress Field” implies. But in fact, tey are symbols andmetapors of te ongoing relevant social problems of individuals and order, civiliation and conflicts. We tink tis is a reflection on te possibility of customary art’s direct casting of “reality”, a remodeling attempt wit a complex imagining of te relationsip between art and reality, aswell as a reconsideration of te ricness of artistic expressions. Te concreteness of real life tat te “stress field” concerns itself wit, or reflects, is not te previous direct spread of grand narrative, but te inspection, observation and response of individual survival experience.Tis experience is not a complete rebellion against reality, but a kind of acquisitionin te dialectical relationsip wit te real world. By inviting artists from different countries and regions, we ope to plan and form a realistic and te matic contemporary art exibition wic reflects some of te tensions andanxieties caused by pressures from te outward and inward worlds, and even te uneasiness caused by reality. Tis is te main focus and clear reason of tis exibition.
Terefore, instead of te evaluation of various canges caused by sociological “stress field”, it is more about te exibited artists’ cognition of “stress field”, and teir expressions of principle forces as individual artists, and also, peraps, teir immediate feelings wen tey are personally in te space of te Hubei Museum of Art, and te Fine Arts Literature Art Center.
By Feng Boyi