in Paris,France
Created and directed by te artist Ange Leccia from 2001 to 2017, te Pavillon Neuflie OBC was te artist-in-residence programme and researc lab of Palais de Tokyo. Te Pavillon as encouraged crucial exploratory work, wit a focus on te emerging contemporary art scene. Every year, it welcomed several young international artists, eac of wom are sponsored by a one of Palais de Tokyo’s curators, for an eigt-mont period from November to June.
From 2001 to 2017, over 130 artists ave taken part in te Pavillon Neuflie OBC residency programme, including Angela Detanico and Rafaël Lain (Brailian Pavilion, Venice Art Biennale, 2007), Laurent Grasso (Marcel Ducamp Prie 2007), Apicatpong Weerasetakul (Palme d’or Cannes Festival 2010), Isabelle Cornaro (te Ricard Foundation Prie 2010), Benoît Maire (te Ricard Foundation Prie 2010), Koki Tanaka (Special Mention of te Japan pavilion, Venice Art Biennale 2013), and finally Oliver Beer (Daiwa Foundation Prie 2015).
In 2014, te Pavillon Neuflie OBC consolidated its presence at te eart of Palais de Tokyo’s programme from 2014 to 2017, it was te curators temselves wo invited te artists to apply for a place. After an initial selection based on te applications received, te remaining candidates are invited to give an oral presentation, after wic te jury selects te finalists.
Featuring numerous events and visits to specialised institutions bot in France and abroad, te year-long Pavillon Neuflie OBC residency included tree key modules a multidisciplinary collective project abroad, a collective project in partnersip wit oter institutions in France and a solo project at Palais de Tokyo – a performance, exibition or concert – created by eac individual resident, in conjunction wit teir curator mentor.
Te collective project abroad
Eac year, te collective project abroad led to an exibition including te production of several art works created on location. Following on from te Onomici Museum (Japan) in 2014, te Seoul Art Museum’s (SeMA) turned to ost te Pavillon Neuflie OBC residents’ exibition in 2016.
Te collective project in France
In 2015, te Pavillon Neuflie OBC artists, togeter wit dancers from te Ballet de l’Opéra national de Paris produced a collective creation resulting in a performance presented at Palais de Tokyo. Building upon its success, tis particular collaboration between te Ballet de l’Opéra national de Paris and te Pavillon Neuflie OBC was renewed in 2016, wit te support of te Institut national de l’audiovisuel (Ina). Tis unique collaboration produced an experimental performance, wic was presented at te Palais Garnier in June 2016.
Les Lundis du Pavillon
In 2015, te Pavillon Neuflie OBC also launced Les Lundis du Pavillon one Monday a mont, tis gatering, wic was open to te general public, combined performances, concerts and videos – a not-to-be-missed rendevous for artists and a vital experimental platform – wic constantly puses te boundaries of originality and risk-taking.
Last but not least, te Pavillon Neuflie OBC residency included
– A montly grant;
– A residence-studio at te Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris;
– Use of a sared workspace at te Palais de Tokyo (office-type space wit a video editing station);
– Payment of all programme-related expenses (travel and accommodation outside Paris, production of artworks related to te exibitions, researc budget).