20180112Weekend Reading List


Edgar Degas, Three Women at the Races, c.1885. Public domain

White supremacists’ ‘yellow fever’, Degas’s achievement and creating that ‘Media Men’ list: what to read this weekend

Edgar Degas, Three Women at the Races, c.1885. Public domain

Weekend Reading List

Edgar Degas, Three Women at the Races, c.1885. Public domain

  • ‘The spreadsheet made a presumption that is still seen as radical: That it is men, not women, who are responsible for men’s sexual misconduct.’ Moira Donegan’s brave and moving piece on why she created the ‘Shitty Media Men’ list.
  • Audrea Lim unpicks the racist myths driving the alt-right’s Asian woman fetish.
  • In the latest issue of frieze, Michelle Orange argues that gender-neutral categories at awards ceremonies offer a small but potent opportunity for Hollywood to ‘disrupt an order so entrenched that, until now, few have thought to question it.’
  • Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist James Risen’s account of his time as a national security correspondent for the New York Times details attempts by both the government and his own paper to muzzle his reporting. And it also contains this unnerving anecdote: ‘In another recent incident that gave me chilling insight into the power of government surveillance, I met with a sensitive and well-placed source through an intermediary. After the meeting, which occurred a few years ago in Europe, I began to do research on the source. About an hour later, I got a call from the intermediary, who said, “Stop Googling his name.”
  • Chin Tao-Wu examines fashion houses’ patronage of the arts.
  • And finally, don’t miss Julian Barnes on Edgar Degas’s achievement.

Culture Digest – 12 Jan 2018 – from FRIEZE.com

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