A Picasso Nude is the Latest to Fall Foul of Facebook Censors – 毕加索裸照是脸谱网审查的最新结果

News – 08 Aug 2018

A Picasso Nude is the Latest to Fall Foul of Facebook Censors

2 minutes

‘It’s ridiculous. It’s Picasso’: social media platform to review nudity policy after blocking Montreal Museum of Fine Arts ads

Pablo Picasso, Femmes à la toilette, 1956. Courtesy: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Estate of Picasso; photograph: Art Resource, NY, RMN-Grand Palais, Mathieu Rabeau

A Picasso Nude is the Latest to Fall Foul of Facebook Censors - 毕加索裸照是脸谱网审查的最新结果

Pablo Picasso, Femmes à la toilette, 1956. Courtesy: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Estate of Picasso; photograph: Art Resource, NY, RMN-Grand Palais, Mathieu Rabeau

The latest artist to fall foul of Facebook’s anti-nudity policies is none other than Pablo Picasso. A set of online advertisements created by Canada’s Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, featuring Picasso nudes including his 1956 Femmes à la toilette, was blocked by the social media company. The painting ‘wasn’t shocking’, a museum spokesperson said. ‘The algorithm doesn’t see the difference between a piece of art and a bad ad,’ they told the BBC.

The adverts were promoting the museum’s summer blockbuster exhibition. ‘From Africa to the Americas: Face-to-Face Picasso, Past and Present’ explores the impact of African art on Picasso, and in turn, his influence on contemporary African art. Although they were initially blocked by Facebook, they have since been accepted. ‘It was funny for us, you know, like unbelievable,’ the museum’s spokesperson Pascale Chassé told CBC. ‘It’s ridiculous. It’s Picasso.’

Facebook currently prohibits the posting of images featuring nude paintings as well as photographs, sculpture and other artworks that depict nudity. But after an outcry over several recent instances of artwork censorship, Facebook has promised to review its nudity policy. ‘We want to make sure that museums and other institutions are able to share some of their most iconic paintings and are currently reviewing our approach to nudity in paintings in ads on Facebook,’ a spokesperson said.

The Montreal museum is just the latest to trip up over Facebook’s strict regulations around imagery featuring the naked body. Last month, the Flemish tourism bureau had an advertising campaign halted by Facebook, after a 17th century painting The Descent from the Cross by Flemish master Peter Paul Rubens violated guidelines. Other recent instances also include the social media platform closing accounts that uploaded Gustave Courbet’s 1866 The Origin of the World (featuring female genitals), and photographs of the prehistoric Venus of Willendorf statuette.

Pablo Picasso
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

新闻- 08八月2018日毕加索裸照是最新的脸谱网审查者犯规2分钟,这是荒谬的。这是Picasso:社交媒体平台,在阻止蒙特利尔美术馆广告巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索,Fuffs’LaSaffe,1956之后,回顾裸体政策。礼貌:蒙特利尔美术馆,Picasso庄园;照片:艺术资源,NY,RMN大宫殿,马蒂厄Rabo A Picasso Nude is the Latest to Fall Foul of Facebook Censors - 毕加索裸照是脸谱网审查的最新结果 Pabro毕加索,Fuffes La盥洗室,1956。礼貌:蒙特利尔美术馆,Picasso庄园;照片:艺术资源,NY,RMN大宫殿,Mathieu Rabeau最新的艺术家违反脸谱网反裸露政策的犯规不是别人,正是巴勃罗·鲁伊斯·毕加索。由加拿大蒙特利尔美术馆创建的一组在线广告,由毕加索裸露,包括他的1956个女厕所,被社交媒体公司封锁。一位博物馆发言人说,这幅画“并不令人震惊”。他们告诉英国广播公司,这个算法没有看到一件艺术品和一个坏广告的区别。这些广告正在推动博物馆的夏季大片展览。“从非洲到美洲:面对面毕加索,过去和现在”探索非洲艺术对Picasso的影响,进而影响他对当代非洲艺术的影响。虽然他们最初被脸谱网封锁,但后来被接受了。博物馆的发言人帕斯卡莱查斯在接受CBC采访时说:“这对我们来说很有趣,就像难以置信。”这太荒谬了。这是毕加索。脸谱网目前禁止张贴裸体画的图片,以及照片、雕塑和其他描绘裸体的艺术品。但在对最近几起艺术品审查的抗议声之后,脸谱网承诺将审查其裸体政策。一位发言人说,我们想确保博物馆和其他机构能够分享他们最具代表性的一些绘画作品,目前正在审查我们在脸谱网广告上画裸体的方法。蒙特利尔博物馆是最新的一次关于脸谱网的严格规定,围绕着裸体的图像。上个月,佛兰芒旅游局发起了一场脸谱网的广告攻势,在十七世纪的绘画中,佛兰芒大师彼得·保罗·鲁本斯违反了十字勋章。其他最近的例子还包括社交媒体平台关闭帐户上传库尔贝的1866世界的起源(以女性生殖器为特征),和照片的史前金星的威伦多夫雕像。新闻脸谱网裸体审查帕帕洛毕加索蒙特利尔美术馆
