News – 27 Jul 2018
Civil Rights Activist Rosa Parks’s Detroit Home Offered Up For Auction
In further news: UK High Court upholds Giotto export ban; Cleveland Museum of Art launches conservation centre for Chinese paintings
Image: Rosa Parks’s Detroit home. Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

Rosa Parks’s Detroit home. Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons
The former Detroit home of civil rights activist Rosa Parks has been offered up for auction. The three-bedroom home, where the civil rights activist lived with 17 relatives, was put up for auction this week and was expected to fetch between US$1 million to US$3 million. It did not sell during the auction, but Arlan Ettinger of Guernsey’s told the Chicago Sun Times that a buyer who had difficulty entering a bid online approached him after the auction expressing interest. Parks, who is widely known for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in 1955, sparked the bus boycotts in Montgomery, Alabama, and eventually sought refuge in Detroit after receiving death threats. Her niece Rhea McCauley bought the house in 2016 for USD$500, teaming up with Berlin-based US artist Ryan Mendoza to save it from demolition. In April 2017, Mendoza dissembled the home and brought it to Berlin where it was re-assembled and opened to the public. Mendoza returned the home to the US in early 2018. The artist has said that he hopes the house will be put on public display again.
In the UK, a High Court ruling has upheld Arts Council England’s export ban on a GB£10-million Giotto painting, Madonna con Bambino (c.1297). The court found that ACE was right to reject an application to export the painting to Switzerland – in 2007 the work was brought to the UK from Italy illegally by collector Kathleen Simonis (the export license had expired). Simonis bought the painting for GB£3,500 at an auction in 1990 – while it was originally believed to be by a Giotto imitator, restoration work revealed that it was realized by the Renaissance master. With the painting now left in a legal limbo, Simonis is planning to appeal the court ruling.
New York artist Susan Unterberg has been revealed as the founder and sole patron of the annual Anonymous Was A Woman award. Unterberg has remained anonymous since founding the prize in 1996, which gives a US$25,000 award to 10 under-recognized female artists over the age of 40; she launched the initiative after the National Endowment for the Arts stopped giving grants to individual artists. After more than two decades of secrecy, the 77-year-old photographer decided to disclose her identity in a bid to serve as a vocal advocate for women artists. Unterberg commented: ‘I founded Anonymous Was A Woman to fill a void that I witnessed personally: support for women artists in the middle stages of their careers.’ She said that she had remained anonymous in order to keep the focus on the artists and their work. The no-strings-attached award has given more than US$5.5 million over the past 22 years to recipients including Amy Sherald, Carrie Mae Weems and Betye Saar.
The Queens Museum in New York has announced the 43 artists and collectives participating in its upcoming biennial. Titled ‘Volumes’ and opening on 7 October, the Queens International will focus on the role of artists as ‘professional non-specialists’. Drawn this year from across 15 neighbourhoods and several generations, with the majority of featured artists being women, the biennial celebrates art-making in the borough. The 2018 edition is organized by Sophia Marisa Lucas, assistant curator at the Queens Museum, and New York performance artist Baseera Khan. Lucas commented: ‘Many artworks in the exhibition address the analogue and digital, but they aren’t about nostalgia vs. the status quo […] These artists propose analogues within those frameworks, they exacerbate or collapse those distinctions, and conjure opportunities for integration.’
Cleveland Museum of Art is to launch a conservation centre for Chinese paintings after being gifted US$1.5 million. The donation received from June and Simon K.C. Li matches a US$1.5 million endowment challenge grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The new centre is reportedly part of a larger project to rectify the lack of Chinese panting conservation expertise in the US. In a statement, CMA director William Griswold said that the grants would ‘enable solutions that will effect great change in the industry and ensure the care of Chinese paintings for generations to come.’ The Li Center for Chinese Paintings Conservation will also launch a new annual residency programme for emerging conservators.
In movements: Rhana Devenport has been appointed director of the Art Gallery of South Australia in Adelaide, making her the first female director to run the 137-year-old institution; The Rubin Museum of Art in New York has hired Daneyal Mahmood as director of exhibitions; Kristina Newmann-Scott has been appointed president of Brooklyn arts organization BRIC; and Marta Gili is stepping down as director of the Jeu de Paume in Paris – she has been in the post for 12 years.
In gallery news: Charles Saumarez Smith, formerly director of the National Portrait Gallery and then the National Gallery in London, and currently chief executive of the Royal Academy of Arts, is to join Blain|Southern gallery as senior director; Pace Gallery has announced representation of Mary Corse in Asia – a show of the Los Angeles-based artist will go on view in May 2019 at the gallery’s H Queen’s space in Hong Kong, with another show in November at its outpost in Seoul; New York’s Miles McEnery Gallery is opening a second space in Chelsea, with an inaugural show of painting by Michael Reafsnyder and Patrick Wilson.
And finally, art world scammer Anna Delvey is getting the Netflix treatment. The 27-year-old Delvey (whose real last name is Sorokin), posed as a German heiress ‘planning’ to open a visual arts centre. She was arrested in 2017 on six charges of grand larceny for swindling upwards of US$275,000 out of acquaintances and hotels. Although detailed information about the project has yet to be released, the show is set to be produced by Shonda Rhimes, who acquired the rights to the New York article by Jessica Pressler that brought Delvey’s story to prominence.
新闻27民权活动家罗莎·帕克斯的底特律住宅提供了拍卖2分钟的进一步消息:英国高等法院支持吉奥托出口禁令;克利夫兰艺术馆推出中国保护中心影印:罗莎·帕克斯的底特律之家。礼貌:WikimdiaCon 罗莎·帕克斯的底特律之家。礼貌:维基媒体公爵,前民权活动家罗莎·帕克斯的底特律家庭被邀请参加拍卖。民权活动家和17个亲戚住在三居室的房子,本周被拍卖,预计在100万美元到300万美元之间。它在拍卖期间没有出售,但是英属格恩西的Arlan Ettinger告诉《芝加哥太阳时报》,一位在网上竞标的买家在拍卖后表示兴趣。1955岁的Parks因拒绝在公交车上让座给白人乘客而广为人知,引发了亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利的公交车抵制活动,最终在收到死亡威胁后在底特律寻求庇护。她的侄女Rhea McCauley以2016美元买了这所房子500美元,与柏林的美国艺术家Ryan Mendoza合作,将其从拆除中解救出来。2017年4月,门多萨将房屋拆散,带到柏林,重新组装并向公众开放。门多萨于2018年初返回美国。这位艺术家说他希望这所房子能再次公开展出。在英国,一个高等法院的裁决支持英国艺术委员会对GB 1000万英镑的绘画作品的出口禁令,Madonna con Bambino(C.1297)。法院发现ACE有权拒绝向瑞士出口这幅画的申请——2007,作品从意大利带到英国。非法收藏家Kathleen Simonis(出口许可证过期)。西蒙尼斯在1990的拍卖会上买了这幅画为3500英镑,而最初是由吉奥托仿效者买下的,修复作品显示它是由文艺复兴大师实现的。由于这幅画现在处于法律困境,西莫尼斯正计划上诉法院裁决。纽约艺术家Susan Unterberg被透露为创始人和唯一赞助者的年度匿名是一个女人奖。温特贝格自1996成立以来一直保持匿名,该奖项在25000岁以下的女性艺术家中获得了25000美元的奖励,在国家艺术基金会停止给个人艺术家赠款后,她发起了这项倡议。在经历了20多年的秘密之后,这位77岁的摄影师决定透露自己的身份,作为一名女性艺术家的声乐倡导者。UntBurg评论说:“我创立的匿名是一个女人,填补了我亲眼目睹的空虚:支持女性艺术家在他们的职业生涯的中期阶段。”她说,她一直保持匿名,以保持对艺术家和他们的工作的重点。“无附加条件奖”在过去的22年里给了包括Amy Sherald、Carrie Mae Weems和Betye Saar在内的超过550万美元的捐赠者。纽约皇后博物馆宣布了43名艺术家和集体参加即将到来的双年展。标题为“卷”,并于10月7日开幕,皇后国际将专注于艺术家的作用,作为“专业非专家”。今年从15个街区和几代人中汲取,大多数的艺术家都是女性,两年一次的庆祝艺术在该区进行。2018版由Sophia Marisa Lucas、女王博物馆助理策展人和纽约表演艺术家Baseera Khan组织。卢卡斯评论说:“展览中的许多作品都是关于模拟和数字的,但它们不是关于怀旧与现状的……这些艺术家在这些框架中提出类似物,它们加剧或瓦解了这些区别,并召唤了整合的机会。”Veland艺术博物馆将在被授予美国150万美元后推出一个中国画保护中心。从六月收到的捐赠和Simon K.C. Li从安得烈W.梅隆基金会获得150万美元的捐赠挑战补助金。据报道,新中心是一个较大的项目,以纠正美国缺乏喘息保护专业知识。CMA董事William Griswold在一份声明中说,赠款将使解决方案将影响行业的巨大变化,并确保几代人对中国画的关注。“中国画保护中心也将推出新的年度居留公关。新兴的保护者OGMME。在运动中:Rhana Devenport被任命为阿德莱德南澳大利亚美术馆馆长,使她成为经营这家137年历史机构的首位女导演;纽约鲁宾喜马拉雅艺术博物馆聘请Daneyal Mahmood担任展览总监;Kristina Newmann Scott被任命为布鲁克林区艺术组织金砖国家主席,Marta Gili辞去了巴黎的Juede Pauu导演——她已经任职12年了。在画廊新闻:Charles Saumarez Smith,以前的国立肖像馆主任,然后国家美术馆在伦敦,目前是皇家艺术学院的首席执行官,将加入Bray’Southern画廊担任高级导演;佩斯画廊宣布玛丽公司的代表。RSE在亚洲-一个洛杉矶艺术家的展览将在2019年5月在画廊的H女王的空间在香港,另一个显示在十一月在其前哨在汉城;纽约的迈尔斯McNealGrand正在打开第二个空间在切尔西,与一个就职展的绘画。Michael Reafsnyder和帕特里克·威尔森。最后,艺术界骗子Anna Delvey正在接受Netflix的治疗。现年27岁的Delvey(其真正姓氏是索罗金)提出了一个德国女继承人计划开设视觉艺术中心。她于2017被捕,因六起盗窃罪被指控在熟人和旅馆中诈骗了275000美元。虽然有关该项目的详细信息尚未公布,但该节目将由珊达·莱梅斯制作,该剧获得了Jessica Pressler的纽约文章的版权,这使Delvey的故事更为突出。新闻发布会罗萨帕克乔托艺术委员会英格兰苏珊UntBurt皇后博物馆克利夫兰艺术馆