"A Sold-Out Success" – "a售完成功"

We could not have hoped for a better inaugural edition of Frieze Los Angeles in terms of attendance, atmosphere and salesVictoria Siddall, Director of Frieze Fairs

I’m immensely grateful to everyone who came together this week to put Los Angeles on stage and show what it means to be an international arts capital. I am confident that the kind of energy and cooperation we have seen throughout Frieze Week will be a catalyst that propels our city’s art scene even furtherBettina Korek, Executive Director, Frieze Los Angeles

Frieze Los Angeles debuted as a new international art fair on February 14, 2019 and closed on Sunday, February 17, 2019, celebrating the city’s pivotal role in the international art community. The fair attracted 30,000 attendance, including civic leaders, international art collectors, curators, critics, and members of the Hollywood entertainment community. Tickets sold out for every public day of the fair, and robust sales were reported from the opening hours and throughout the weekend. What did media, museums, collectors and galleries say about the fair?

"A Sold-Out Success" - "a售完成功"

Hannah Greely, Frieze Projects at Frieze Los Angeles 2019

Media Coverage

Frieze Los Angeles could lead to a new era of patronage, cross-pollination, and, who knows, a whole new evolutionary stage for art itself. –Artnet (USA)

Frieze has always liked to break the art fair mould, and its Los Angeles debut is no exceptionThe Telegraph Luxury (UK)

While Frieze Los Angeles comes with a tide of Hollywood support, the fair also will bring a new class of international collectors to a city whose booming art scene is uniquely poised to welcome them… Frieze Los Angeles is largely seen as the linchpin of the most robust arts week Los Angeles has seen. The Hollywood Reporter (USA)

The excitement was palpable, even electric, at the opening at 11 am on Thursday 14. –Le Monde (France)

Frieze Los Angeles is a testament to L.A.’s ascendant status as a global arts center and destination. –Architectural Digest (USA)

"A Sold-Out Success" - "a售完成功"

Jack Shainman Gallery, Frieze Los Angeles 2019

Civic Leaders

We know the creativity that’s been here for decades, the visual artists that have been here, but now we’re realizing what a cultural draw this can be as well. Something like Frieze solidifies this in many ways. – Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcett

It’s going to make a mark on this environment, not only now, but for years to come. This is the highest moment of arts celebration in the history of this town. – Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas

Museum Directors

What great and vital few days we had in Los Angeles with Frieze! The groundswell of support and welcoming generosity is so meaningful. MOCA has greeted so many artists, colleagues and collectors from all over the world this week. What an amazing and enthusiastic energy all over the city. Can’t wait until next year. it’s only just begun!MOCA Director Klaus Biesenbach

We’ve always believed that Los Angeles would become one of the world’s top arts capitals. We’ve long had a thriving arts landscape with practicing artists, world-class art schools, great galleries and an array of cultural institutions that continues to expand. It was exciting to see art enthusiasts coming together from all over the world to the first edition of Frieze Los Angeles – a pivotal moment for our city. –Joanne Heyler, Founding Director of The Broad

"A Sold-Out Success" - "a售完成功"

David Kordansky Gallery, Frieze Los Angeles 2019


Frieze has been a great sold-out success, with people from all over the world traveling to Los Angeles. We look forward to it coming again. – philanthropist Eli Broad

The energy at Frieze Los Angeles was palpable. People ‘showed up and showed out’. The breadth of offerings was impressive and so many traveled from all over to join us in this moment in L.A. arts. I know this will further cement LA as the creative, global arts center that we all know it is. I have to recover from all this running around, but I cannot wait for next year!! -Los Angeles collector V. Joy Simmons

"A Sold-Out Success" - "a售完成功"

Mendes Wood DM, Frieze Los Angeles 2019


We’ve had a gallery for 10 years and we’ve been waiting for an event that could concentrate all of the energy that has been in L.A. for so long. Pacific Standard Time was the one event that brought that amount of energy but it was not concentrated over one week, and there was nothing of that magnitude that has happened. Frieze was a much needed addition to the city. –Francois Ghebaly, Owner of Ghebaly (Los Angeles)

Frieze was a strong confirmation of everything I’ve been hearing about the Los Angeles art scene for a while now — energetic, intelligent and friendly. A great fair for an extraordinary city.Matthew Wood, Partner of Mendes Wood DM (São Paulo) 

I loved the scale — I thought it was monumentally important for the feel of it and the intimacy it achieved. The selection of galleries was great; I loved the back lot program, and thought it was overall a huge win for the city of L.A.Tim Blum, Co-founder of Blum & Poe (Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo)

Further Information

The next Frieze Fair will be Frieze New York, taking place May 2 through 5, 2019. Find further details here.

To stay up to date with all our news, follow @FriezeArtFair on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. 

Frieze Los Angeles

在出席率、气氛和销售方面,我们不可能希望有一个更好的洛杉矶Frieze的就职版——Victoria Siddall,Frieze Fairs的总监,我非常感谢本周所有人齐聚一堂,让洛杉矶登上舞台,展示成为一个国际艺术之都意味着什么。我相信,我们在整个Frieze周所看到的那种活力和合作将是推动我们城市艺术景象进一步发展的催化剂-洛杉矶Frieze执行董事Bettina Korek于2019年2月14日作为新的国际艺术博览会首次亮相,并于2019年2月17日周日闭幕,庆祝E城在国际艺术界的关键作用。该博览会吸引了3万人出席,包括公民领袖、国际艺术收藏家、策展人、评论家和好莱坞娱乐界的成员。展会的每一个公众日的门票都卖完了,从开幕时间和整个周末都有强劲的销售报告。媒体、博物馆、收藏家和美术馆对这次展览会有何评价? Hannah Greely,Frieze Los Angeles 2019媒体报道Frieze Los Angeles的Frieze项目可能会导致一个新时代的赞助、异花授粉,谁知道呢,一个全新的艺术进化阶段。-艺术网(美国)Frieze一直喜欢打破艺术博览会的模式,它在洛杉矶的首次亮相也不例外——电报奢侈品(英国),而Frieze在洛杉矶迎来好莱坞的支持浪潮,该博览会还将为一个蓬勃发展的艺术场景独特地准备欢迎他们的城市带来一批新的国际收藏家……Frieze Los洛杉矶在很大程度上被视为洛杉矶最具活力的艺术周的关键所在。-好莱坞记者(美国)在周四14日上午11点的开幕式上,激动人心,甚至是电的。-《世界报》(法国)洛杉矶分部是洛杉矶作为全球艺术中心和目的地的优势地位的证明。-《建筑文摘》(美国) Jack Shainman画廊,洛杉矶Frieze 2019公民领袖,我们知道这里几十年来的创造力,这里的视觉艺术家,但现在我们意识到这也是一种什么样的文化吸引。类似于中楣的东西在很多方面使它固化。–洛杉矶市长埃里克·加塞特(Eric Garcett)

不仅在现在,而且在未来的几年里,都将在这个环境中留下印记。这是这个城市历史上艺术庆典的最高时刻。–洛杉矶县主管马克·里德利·托马斯博物馆馆长,这几天我们在洛杉矶和弗里泽一起度过了多么伟大和重要的日子!支持和欢迎的慷慨是如此的有意义。本周,MOCA接待了来自世界各地的艺术家、同事和收藏家。整个城市都充满了惊人的热情。不能等到明年。才刚刚开始!–MOCA导演克劳斯·比森巴赫我们一直相信洛杉矶将成为世界顶级艺术之都。长期以来,我们拥有一个欣欣向荣的艺术景观,实践艺术家、世界一流的艺术学校、大型画廊和一系列不断扩大的文化机构。看到来自世界各地的艺术爱好者齐聚一堂,来到洛杉矶的第一版,这是一个激动人心的时刻,对我们的城市来说,这是一个关键的时刻。-Joanne Heyler,宽幅 David Kordansky画廊的创始总监,2019年洛杉矶Frieze收藏家Frieze获得了巨大的成功,来自世界各地的人们都到洛杉矶旅游。我们期待它再次到来。——慈善家伊莱·布罗德,洛杉矶弗里泽的活力显而易见。人们“出现并出现”。产品种类繁多,让人印象深刻,有那么多人从各地赶来参加我们在洛杉矶艺术节的活动。我知道这将进一步巩固洛杉矶作为我们都知道的创意、全球艺术中心的地位。我必须从这一切中恢复过来,但我不能等到明年!!-洛杉矶收藏家诉Joy Simmons Mendes Wood DM,Frieze Los Angeles 2019画廊,我们已经有10年的画廊了,我们一直在等待一个能够集中在洛杉矶这么久的所有能量的活动。太平洋标准时间是一个带来了如此多能量的事件,但它并没有集中在一个星期内,而且也没有发生过如此巨大的事情。对这座城市来说,中楣是非常需要的。-弗朗索瓦·格巴利,格巴利(洛杉矶)饰带的主人,是我听了一阵子关于洛杉矶艺术界的所有事情的有力证明——充满活力、聪明和友好。对一个非凡的城市来说是一个伟大的交易会。-Matthew Wood,Mendes Wood DM(S_o Paulo)的合伙人我喜欢这个比例-我认为它对于它的感觉和它所达到的亲密度是非常重要的。画廊的选择是伟大的;我喜欢后地块计划,并认为这是一个整体上的洛杉矶市巨大的胜利-蒂姆布鲁姆,联合创始人布鲁姆&坡(洛杉矶,纽约,东京)进一步的信息,下一个弗里泽博览会将是弗里泽纽约,发生在2019年5月2日至5日。请在此处查找更多详细信息。要了解我们所有的新闻,请在Instagram、Twitter和Facebook上关注@friezartfair。frieze los angeles
