Frame: Emerging Galleries from Across the World
Explore highlights from Frieze New York’s section for solo projects by galleries aged 10 years or younger
Curators Andrew Bonacina and Laura McLean-Ferris will again oversee Frame, the fair’s celebrated section for emerging galleries aged 10 years or younger, showing museum-quality solo artist projects.
Bonacina and McLean-Ferris said, As advisers to the Frame section, we are delighted to have contributed to the introduction of new galleries to the section from cities such as Florence, Shanghai, Dallas, and Vancouver. There were also many exciting proposals from galleries who are returning to the fair from Bogota, Guatemala City, Sao Paulo, and Buenos Aires.

Diedrick Brackens, the cup is a cloud, 2018, Woven acrylic and cotton yarn, 187.5 × × 198 cm, Courtesy of Diedrick Brackens
Frame showcases new work being made in a great variety of global contexts, making it an excellent area for discovering emerging galleries, artists, and scenes. Within the section are a number of exciting proposals from artists, including new multimedia work by Leslie Thornton which includes the artist’s research at CERN and details of her family’s involvement in the Manhattan Project, new woven works by Diedrick Brackens exploring the figure of the 19th century Black cowboy, and a 1974 film installation by Takahiko Iimura, an early example of a work employing celluloid as material.
Participating Galleries and artists
And Now, Dallas with Olivia Erlanger
Bank, Shanghai with Huang Yanyan
Capsule Shanghai, Shanghai with Sarah Faux
Company, New York with Jonathan Lyndon Chase
Downs & Ross, New York with Ivy Haldeman
Drei, Cologne with Cédric Eisenring
Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran, Montreal with Ambera Wellmann
Galería Nora Fisch, Buenos Aires with Claudia Fontes
Gordon Robichaux, New York with Sanou Oumar
Mariane Ibrahim Gallery, Seattle with Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi
Instituto de Visión, Bogotá with Alberto Baraya
Marinaro, New York with Anthony Iacono
Galeria Jaqueline Martins, São Paulo with Letícia Parente
Microscope Gallery, New York with Takahiko Iimura
PM8, Vigo with Gintautas Trimakas
Proyectos Ultravioleta, Guatemala City with Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa
Unit 17, Vancouver with Leslie Thornton
Various Small Fires (VSF), Los Angeles with Diedrick Brackens
Veda, Florence with Amitai Romm
Walden, Buenos Aires with Rodolfo Marqués
Explore the galleries here
2019年2月20日框架:来自世界各地的新兴画廊2019年2月20日探索Frieze纽约区的亮点,由10岁或10岁以下的画廊策展人进行独奏项目。Andrew Bonacina和Laura McLean Ferris将再次监督框架展,该展会为10岁或10岁以下的新兴画廊举办的著名展区,展示博物馆级的独奏艺术家项目。Bonacina和McLean Ferris说,作为框架展的顾问,我们很高兴为该展区引入新的画廊做出贡献。来自佛罗伦萨、上海、达拉斯和温哥华等城市。从波哥大、危地马拉城、圣保罗和布宜诺斯艾利斯返回展会的画廊也提出了许多令人兴奋的建议。 Diedrick Brackens,The Cup is a Cloud,2018,编织亚克力和棉纱,187.5××198 cm,由Diedrick Brackens提供的框架展示了在各种全球背景下正在进行的新工作,使其成为发现新兴画廊、艺术家和场景的绝佳区域。在这一部分中,艺术家们提出了许多令人兴奋的建议,包括莱斯利·桑顿(Leslie Thornton)的新多媒体作品,其中包括她在欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)的研究,以及她家人参与曼哈顿项目的细节,迪德里克·布雷肯斯(Diedrick Brakens)的新编织作品,探索19世纪黑人牛仔的形象,以及1974年的电影安装。《离子》作者Takahiko Iimura,一个早期使用赛璐珞作为材料的例子。参加展览的画廊和艺术家,现在,达拉斯和奥利维亚·埃朗格
Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran,蒙特利尔,与Ambera Wellmann
Galer_a Nora Fisch,布宜诺斯艾利斯,与Claudia Fontes
Gordon Robichaux,New York,与Sanou Oumar
Mariane Ibrahim画廊,西雅图与Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi
Instituto de Visi_n,Bogot_与Alberto Baraya
Galeria Jaqueline Martins,S_o Paulo,Let_cia Parente
显微镜画廊,纽约,Takahiko IImura
pm8,Vigo with Gintautas Trimakas
Proyectos UltraVioleta,危地马拉市,Naufus Ram Rez Figueroa
第17单元,温哥华,Leslie ThorntoN
各种小型火灾(VSF),洛杉矶和迪德里克·布拉肯斯(Diedrick Brackens)
维达,佛罗伦萨和阿米塔伊·罗姆(Amitai Romm)
瓦尔登,布宜诺斯艾利斯和鲁道夫·马奎斯(Rodolfo Marqu_s),探索这里的画廊框架,纽约2019年。
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