Ai Weiwei Accuses Producers of Feature Film ‘Berlin I Love You’ of Censoring His Contribution
The artist alleges that the Cities of Love franchise cut his section to avoid upsetting the Chinese government ahead of a planned project in Shanghai
Portrait of Ai Weiwei, 2015. Courtesy and photograph: Alfred Weidinger
Ai Weiwei has accused the executive producer of the feature film Berlin I Love You (2019) of omitting his contribution for fear of upsetting the Chinese government.
The Cities of Love franchise, which makes anthology-style films celebrating cities across the world, released their homage to Berlin earlier this month without Ai’s contribution. Ai, who was under house arrest when he made the segment in 2015, has alleged that the producers cut the section for political reasons. The franchise is hoping to produce Shanghai, I Love You and Ai alleges that they were concerned that including his contribution in their Berlin film would hinder their chances of making a film in China.
Speaking to the German news outlet Deutsche Welle, Ai said: ‘The festival told them, if Ai Weiwei’s in there, the film can never be accepted.’
‘They told me because they’re involved in making a Shanghai I Love You, the producer there also thinks that putting my episode in their film would damage their possibilities,’ he continued.
A vocal critic of the Chinese government’s stance on human rights and democracy, Ai was arrested in 2011 at Beijing airport and had his passport confiscated. Unable to leave China, he made the segment cut from Berlin I Love You via Skype.
Ai was the first director to confirm his interest in the project, and was influential in getting other directors – including Fernando Eimbcke, Dennis Gansel, Peter Chelsom, and Massy Tadjedin – to sign-up to the project.
Writing on Instagram, Ai said: ‘It was infuriating to find our involvement had been erased. The reason we were given for the episode’s removal was that my political status had made it difficult for the production team to secure further funding’.
The artist told the New York Times that the segment ‘was not politically sensitive at all. It was frustrating to see Western creators and institutions collaborating with Chinese censorship in such an obvious way.’
Claus Clausen and Edda Reiser, two of the producers of the film have corroborated Ai’s claims: ‘We underestimated the power of China. We were disappointed by the lack of support in the free world,’ they told the Los Angeles Times.
The creator of the franchise, French film producer Emmanuel Benbihy has cited ‘artistic differences’ as the reason for Ai’s removal from the Berlin film. ‘The assignment that is given to each director is to tell an encounter of love taking place today in a specific neighbourhood of a city (Berlin here),’ he told the New York Times. ‘Ai Weiwei’s segment did not comply with that assignment at all, and our main concern is always to create the unity of the film.’
新闻/弗里泽新闻台2019年2月21日新闻/艾未未指责故事片《柏林我爱你》的制片人审查了弗里泽新闻台的贡献。2019年2月21日,这位艺术家声称,爱之城特许经营权削减了他的部门,以避免在上海的一个计划项目之前扰乱中国政府,WPAP6021602《艾未未画像》,2015年。礼貌和照片:艾尔弗雷德·维丁格·艾维维指责故事片《柏林我爱你》(2019)的执行制片人因为害怕激怒中国政府而忽略了他的贡献。《爱之城》系列制作了纪念世界各地城市的选集风格电影,本月早些时候在没有人工智能的帮助下向柏林表达了敬意。艾未未在2015年进行这一细分市场时被软禁,他声称制片商出于政治原因削减了这一细分市场。该专营权希望在上海上映,我爱你,艾未未声称,他们担心,将他的贡献包括在他们的柏林电影中,会阻碍他们在中国拍电影的机会。艾未未在接受德国新闻机构Deutsche Welle采访时说:“电影节告诉他们,如果艾未未在里面,电影就永远不会被接受。”艾未未继续说:“他们告诉我,因为他们参与了打造一个我爱你的上海,那里的制片人也认为把我的故事放在他们的电影中会损害他们的可能性。”艾未未公开批评中国政府在人权和民主问题上的立场,2011年在北京机场被捕,并没收了护照。由于无法离开中国,他通过Skype从柏林切下了“我爱你”。艾未未是第一位确认自己对该项目感兴趣的董事,他对让其他董事(包括费尔南多·艾姆贝克、丹尼斯·甘塞尔、彼得·切尔索姆和梅西·塔杰丁)参与该项目具有影响力。艾未未在Instagram上写道:“发现我们的参与被抹去,真让人恼火。我们被撤职的原因是我的政治地位使制片团队很难获得进一步的资金。这位艺术家告诉《纽约时报》,这部分内容“根本不具有政治敏感性”。这部电影的两位制片人克劳森(Claus Clausen)和艾达•雷瑟(Edda Reiser)证实了人工智能的说法:“我们低估了中国的力量”,看到西方的创作者和机构以如此明显的方式与中国的审查制度合作,真是令人沮丧。他们对《洛杉矶时报》说,我们对自由世界缺乏支持感到失望。法国电影制片人艾曼纽尔·本比希(EmmanuelBenbihy)是这部专营权的创造者,他将“艺术差异”作为人工智能退出柏林电影的原因。他对《纽约时报》说,给每位导演的任务是讲述今天在一个城市的特定街区(柏林)发生的一场爱情邂逅。“艾未未的片段根本不符合这一任务,我们主要关注的始终是创造电影的统一性。”Frieze新闻台新闻/艾未未新闻审查艺术与政治
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