

Li Wenjie: Visions in Screen

艺术家 | 李文杰

Artist  | Li Wenjie
主办单位 | 海涵艺术空间
Organizer | Haihan Art Space


开幕 | 07月27日[周六] 15:00
Opening | Saturday 27 July,15:00

地点 | Location

深业东岭商务大厦B1层 B09
B1/F B09,Shenye Dongling Business Building
Haihan Art Space is delighted to announce that it will host the solo exhibition “Visions in Screen” by artist Li Wenjie from July 27th to September 15th, 2024. This exhibition meticulously selects Li Wenjie’s recent masterpieces, delving into the mysteries of the digital world through a unique artistic perspective. It skillfully blurs the boundaries between virtuality and reality, allowing viewers to embark on an unprecedented digital journey within the physical space. The works not only demonstrate a profound insight into the current virtual world but also embody profound reflections on human emotions and the essence of existence, offering a collision between vision and the soul.
In this digital age, screens have become an indispensable part of our lives. Li Wenjie’s artistic practice, with its unique perspective, blends the boundaries between reality and virtuality, constructing a bridge that spans dimensions. “Cong Ping” (literally meaning “Visions in Screens”) represents not only the congregation of screens but also alludes to the intricate relationship between individuals and screens in modern society. By utilizing simulation and digital modeling techniques, Li Wenjie transforms virtual elements and landscapes from screens into tangible realities, a creativity that presents the virtual world through absurd imagery, provoking viewers to delve deeply into the social phenomena, technological trends, and personal emotions behind screens. This exhibition is not merely a visual adventure but also a profound dialogue about screens.
Li Wenjie’s latest works, themed with animal elements, serve as delicate monologues of her inner world. Using cats as a mirror, she reflects the ineffable emotional bond between humans and pets. This companionship and understanding have become vital channels for the artist’s emotional expression. Every ray of light and shadow, every brushstroke in her paintings, seems to narrate the overlooked yet genuinely existing warm moments hidden in the cracks of daily life.
Furthermore, the frequent appearance of light elements in her works represents not only a technical breakthrough but also a metaphor for the artist’s vision of the future and hope. Amidst the flickering light of electronic screens, viewers are guided into a world that is both familiar and unfamiliar, where there exists both the warmth of reality and the boundless possibilities of the virtual. Li Wenjie’s art is precisely such an invitation, urging us to jointly explore the miracles hidden behind the mundane and to feel the genuine emotions that emerge from the screen, gently enveloped by the digital world.




眼泪 Tears
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
眼泪 Tears
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
蝴蝶 Butterfly
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
彼岸花 Equinox Flower
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
流泪的女孩 A Crying Girl
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
红猫 Red Cat
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
猫咪 Cats
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
眼泪 Tears
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
夏日 Summer
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
眼泪 Tears
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
向日葵 Sunflower
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space
脚丫 Paw
布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas
The images are provided by the artist and Haihan Art Space



About the Artists

李文杰 Li Wenjie
2024   声音对视网膜相关性影响的证实研究,TongGallery&莫须有工厂
2024  突围,采艺术空间,上海
2023  绘画,你想成为什么 二十一当代美术馆,东莞
2023  拟象,湖州美术馆,浙江湖州
2022  掩映,东京画廊,北京
2021  流浪者之歌 马丁戈雅生意 ,杭州
2021  冰的蓝的酸的甜的,tong gallery ,北京
2021  洛德世界:启航,海涵艺术空间,深圳
2021  深圳森林,璞金阁,深圳
2020  新鬼X松美术馆——艺术双十一,松美术馆,北京
2020  后浪艺术节,上海
2020  FAS潮流艺术展,松美术馆,北京
2020  在艺术中复苏,北京时代美术馆,北京
2019  隐市,隐美术馆,北京
2019  燕郊簋街——马丁戈雅生意,北京农展馆
2019  亲人,孑孓社,北京
2019  隐形——数码世代的视觉与表达,隐美术馆,北京
2018  绘画的原力,北京时代美术馆,北京
2018  浮云散,明月照人来,tong gallery,上海
2018  万斛神舟,马丁戈雅生意,宁波
2018   青年思想家:勇气与自由,张江当代艺术馆,上海
2018  青衿计划,正观美术馆,北京
2016   宋庄美术馆十周年之尖先生与卡小姐,宋庄美术馆,北京



◑ 新展预告 | 张庭维:且听岁月

本文是全系列中第11 / 16篇:深圳首届地铁艺术节


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