标签为 “艾可” 的文章

  • 来自艾可画廊的王欢或中国当代生产时代

    2019.01.16 · 发表评论

    On the occasion of the art week in Shanghai in November 2018, Cristina Sanchez-Kozyreva met with Adrian H. Wang who took over the direction of AIKE last summer. He shares his coming to the art world and what it means to him to be a gallerist. – 2018年11月,在上海举办的艺术周之际,克里斯蒂娜·桑切斯·科兹列娃会见了去年夏天接任艾可画廊的王欢。他和大家分享他来到艺术界的经历,以及成为一名画廊老板对他意味着什么。