标签为 “双年展” 的文章

  • 在威尼斯双年展上,一支由50艘红色帆船组成的舰队将着眼于气候 …

    2019.01.28 · 发表评论

    The artwork on the Venice waterfront will serve as a reminder that the city’s waterways could soon endanger its existence – 威尼斯海滨的艺术作品将提醒人们,威尼斯的水路很快就会危及它的存在。

  • 托比亚斯·雷贝格——如果你的眼睛不用来看,就会用来哭 (个展)

    2019.01.23 · 发表评论

    2019年3月23日到5月26日,上海外滩美术馆将很荣幸地举办世界知名的德国艺术家托比亚斯·雷贝格(Tobias Rehberger)在中国的首次机构个展:“如果你的眼睛不用来看,就会用来哭”(If you don’t use your eyes to see, you will use them to cry)。雷贝格多重维度的创作将雕塑的可能性延伸至设计、建筑、观念艺术等诸多领域。此次展览将特别展示艺术家为上海外滩美术馆量身定做的数件全新委托作品和大型场域装置。通过创造一系列令人眼花缭乱的物件和环境,雷贝格持续开拓新的生产技术和社会干预形式,探索我们如何与空间互动并感知日常生活与艺术之间的联系。

  • Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2018: Possibilities for a Non-Alien …

    2019.01.16 · 发表评论

    The 4th edition of the Kochi Biennale, “Possibilities for a Non-Alienated Life” presents over 100 projects displayed in heritage properties, public spaces, and galleries across Fort Kochi, Mattancherry, and Ernakulam on India’s southwestern coast. Curator Anita Dube has invited 94 practitioners from over 30 countries, forming a dynamic set of social contexts and artistic approaches to share, to listen, and even to challenge the space in an environment of radical openness.

    Through the Biennale platform, independent curators and mediators have created “infra-projects” that respond to or align with Dube’s larger thematic framework: “Edible Archives” curated by Anumitra Ghosh Dastidar and Prima Kurien, “Sister Library” by Aqui Thami, “Srinagar Biennale” by Veer Munshi, and a project by Durgabai Vyam + Subhash Vyam. – 《高知双年展》第四版“非异化生活的可能性”展示了印度西南海岸高知堡、马丹克雷和厄纳库拉姆的100多个遗产、公共空间和画廊项目。馆长Anita Dube邀请了来自30多个国家的94名从业者,形成了一个王朝。在一个彻底开放的环境中,MIC提供了一套分享、倾听甚至挑战空间的社会背景和艺术方法。

  • Miltos Manetas on his project for the Athens Biennial, nev …

    2019.01.16 · 发表评论

    Mara Sartore: This year you participated in the Athens Biennial, without setting foot in your hometown, can you tell us about how you managed this? – 玛拉·萨托雷:今年你参加了雅典双年展,没有踏足你的家乡,你能告诉我们你是如何管理这个项目的吗?

  • Hashim Sarkis Appointed Curator of the 17th International …

    2019.01.16 · 发表评论

    Hashim Sarkis has been appointed director of the 17th Architecture Exhibition, to be held in Venice from May 23rd to November 29th, 2020. – 哈希姆·萨基斯被任命为第17届建筑展的负责人,将于2020年5月23日至11月29日在威尼斯举行。

  • 陶辉——节奏与知觉 (个展)

    2019.01.08 · 发表评论


  • The Long March: Marking 40 Years of Reform and Development …

    2018.12.28 · 发表评论

    The year 2018 marked 40 years of reform and development in China. However, a gloomy reality has overshadowed the democratic aspirations that many within and outside of the country had associated with the implementation of a market economy. Initially reform and opening up served as an engine to transform China from an impoverished state to a formidable economic power. Yet the process of de-politicization following the student movement in 1989 set the ball rolling on a singular economic track. In 2018, mirroring the rise of right-wing strongmen across the world, everyday life and intellectual discussion have been increasingly subject to tightened surveillance and controls as President Xi consolidates his own powerbase. – 2018年是中国改革开放40年的一年。然而,令人沮丧的现实掩盖了国内外许多人与实行市场经济有关的民主愿望。最初,改革开放是中国从一个贫穷国家转变为一个强大经济力量的引擎。然而,1989年学生运动之后的去政治化进程使经济走上了一条奇特的轨道。2018,反映了右翼强人在世界各地的崛起,日常生活和知识分子的讨论越来越受到严密的监视和控制,因为席总统巩固了自己的权力基础。

  • ‘A Chance to Bring Global Communities Together‘ – “ …

    2018.12.25 · 发表评论

    From the LUMA Foundation in Arles, France, to the Crystal Bridges Museum of Art in Bentonville, USA to M Woods in Beijing: some of the most significant – and exciting – art spaces in the world today are private museums – open for the benefit of the public but supported and, to some extent, directed by private individuals. – 从法国阿尔勒的LUMA基金会,到美国本顿维尔的水晶桥艺术博物馆,到北京的M Woods:当今世界上最重要和最令人兴奋的艺术空间中有一些是私人博物馆——为了公众利益而开放,但在一定程度上是由私人引导的。

  • What Goes On in the Darkness at Sweden’s Northernmost Bien …

    2018.12.25 · 发表评论

    ‘I am the owner of this mountain,’ says a man at the entrance to a network of underground tunnels in Norrbotten, the northernmost county of Sweden. The tunnels were built during the Cold War to protect the region’s natural riches from Soviet forces – iron ore chief among them. The attack never came, the site was decommissioned and the current owner uses the dank, freezing tunnels to farm mushrooms, mine bitcoin and provide a temporary environment for art. Presently, they house Raqs Media Collective’s installation The Blood of Stars (2017), part of the Luleå Biennial, ‘Tidal Ground’. Wandering the subterranean passages with a flashlight, I find a vitrine containing a meteor that a guide tells me is older than Earth. Like the resources that the tunnels were built to defend, it is also made of iron. – “我是这座山的主人,”瑞典最北部的郡诺尔博滕(Norrbotten)地下隧道网络入口处的一名男子说。这些隧道是在冷战期间修建的,目的是保护该地区的自然财富免受苏联军队的侵袭,其中包括铁矿石。袭击从未发生,现场已经退役,现在的主人使用潮湿,冻结的隧道来种植蘑菇,开采比特币,并为艺术提供一个临时环境。目前,他们收藏了Raqs媒体集体的设施“星之血”(2017),这是Lule双年展“潮汐地”的一部分。我拿着手电筒在地下通道中漫步,发现一个玻璃瓶里装着一颗流星,一位导游告诉我它比地球还古老。就像隧道用来防御的资源一样,它也由铁制成。

  • ‘I Am Not the Problem’: Warren B. Kanders Responds to Whit …

    2018.12.25 · 发表评论

    In further news: Paris museums close after Gilets Jaunes protests; Candice Breitz demands release of aid worker – 进一步的消息:Gilets Jaunes抗议后巴黎博物馆关闭;Candice Breitz要求释放援助人员