Tala Madani’s men seem to bring out the worst in each other. When they get together in her paintings and films, they reveal a juvenile sensibility of perversion, or hazing – shaming, alienating, or deceiving each other into entering or creating humiliating or destructive scenarios for themselves. Though generally nondescript, their varying stages of male pattern baldness, paunch, and the occasional moustache disclose their middle age, even in the expressive brushstrokes of her animations. They are feral hybrid creatures crawling and meowing in the alley in Cats and Cat Men (all works 2018); they form a menacing little mob in The Crowd – screened as part of the artist’s compilation ‘The Audience’ at Frieze Los Angeles. - 塔拉·马达尼手下的人似乎把彼此最坏的一面展现出来。当他们在她的绘画和电影中聚在一起时,他们会表现出一种幼稚的变态感,或是欺负-羞辱,疏远,或是欺骗对方进入或为自己创造羞辱或破坏性的场景。虽然一般说来难以形容,但他们不同阶段的男性模式秃顶,大腹便便,偶尔的胡须透露出他们的中年,甚至在她的动画中富有表现力的笔触。它们是一种野生的混合动物,在猫和猫人的小巷里爬行和喵喵叫(所有作品2018年出版);它们在人群中形成了一个威胁性的小暴徒——作为艺术家在洛杉矶弗里泽的“观众”汇编的一部分进行了放映。
Vladimir Kush claims the pop singer’s visuals for ‘God is a Woman’ copies his paintings which depict a woman inside a candle flame - 弗拉基米尔库什声称,这位流行歌手为“上帝是女人”所作的视觉效果复制了他的绘画,描绘了一个女人在蜡烛火焰中的样子。
The 45-second commercial, instructing viewers to #EatLikeAndy, features vintage footage of the late pop artist - 这部45秒的广告,引导观众尽情享受美食,以已故流行艺术家的复古片段为特色。