Explore highlights from Frieze New York's section for solo projects by galleries aged 10 years or younger - 探索Frieze New York的专区中10岁或10岁以下画廊的个人项目的亮点
In 2018, I found myself drawn to shows dealing with magic and shamanism, and so I look back at the year with a sense of enchantment. Tender entanglements of dystopian visions and individual mytholo-gies are part of a recent artistic trend characterized by hybridity, transformation and a belief in material. - 在2018年,我发现自己被处理魔法和萨满教的节目所吸引,所以我带着一种迷人的感觉回顾这一年。反乌托邦的幻象和个人神话的温柔纠缠是最近艺术趋势的一部分,其特点是杂合、转化和对物质的信仰。
‘Bruce Nauman: Disappearing Acts’ at Schaulager, Basel Bruce Nauman’s retrospective included more than 150 works from the mid-1960s until today. The exhibition, which travelled on to New York’s MoMA, gathers drawings, photographs, sculptures, videos and sound pieces as well as most of Nauman’s monumental installations. The concluding work, in which Nauman repeatedly attempts and fails to arrive at a contrapposto, continues his morbid trajectory towards the reality of his aging body. - 巴塞尔舒拉赫的《布鲁斯·诺曼:消失行为》
On 21 August, prisoners in facilities across the US and Canada launched a strike in response to a riot at Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina. They issued a list of ten demands, including: the end of prison slavery, life sentences and felon voter disenfranchisement; improved prison conditions; and the re-instatement of Pell Grants for education. Meanwhile, from Greece to California, the world is literally going up in flames as a result of droughts and rising global temperatures. In California, incarcer ated firefighters are conscripted to contain these wildfires – one of the many ways that the neoliberal state relies on the labour of warehoused populations to manage capital’s negative ‘externalities’. The strike began, fittingly, on the 47th anniversary of the killing of George Jackson, the American black activist and author, by prison guards in San Quentin, San Francisco. - 8月21日,由于南卡罗来纳州李惩教所发生骚乱,美国和加拿大各地监狱的囚犯发起了罢工。他们提出了一份十项要求,包括:结束监狱奴役、无期徒刑和剥夺重罪选民的权利;改善监狱条件;以及重新发放佩尔教育补助金。同时,从希腊到加利福尼亚,由于干旱和全球气温上升,世界实际上正在熊熊燃烧。在加利福尼亚,被监禁的消防队员被征召去控制这些野火,这是新自由主义国家依靠仓库人口的劳动力来管理首都的负面“外部性”的许多方式之一。这场罢工恰好开始于美国黑人活动家George Jackson和旧金山圣昆廷监狱监护人杀害第四十七周年纪念日。
In further news: world’s biggest arts venue lands in Taiwan; Brooklyn’s Signal gallery to closeRiyas Komu. Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons - 另一则新闻是:世界上最大的艺术会场在台湾登陆;布鲁克林的信号画廊。礼貌:维基媒体共享
Karin Schneider, Sabotage, 2017, installation view CCA Wattis Institute, San Francisco. Courtesy: the artist - Karin Schneider,破坏,2017,安装视图CCA WATIS研究所,旧金山。礼貌:艺术家
Ahead of the 52nd edition of Art Cologne, your guide to the best shows to see in the cityAna Jotta, ‘DAS – IST – DAS ?’, 2018, invitation card. Courtesy: the artist and Temporary Gallery, Cologne - 在第五十二版科隆艺术展之前,你在《纽约城》的最佳节目《DAS - IST-DAS》中的指南是什么?2018张请柬。礼貌:艺术家和临时画廊,Cologne