今年是纽约弗里兹艺术博览会 10 周年纪念,重点关注在过去一年中同样处于重要时间节点的纽约非营利机构,包括 AIR、Artists Space、Electronic Arts Intermix和Printed Matter , Inc。纽约弗里兹 Frieze New York 为他们对纽约文化景观的持续贡献致以了敬意。
This is the first time that an artist collective, and curators from Asia, have been picked to direct the prestigious exhibition - 这是第一次有艺术家团体和来自亚洲的策展人被挑选来指导这一著名的展览。
The artist alleges that the Cities of Love franchise cut his section to avoid upsetting the Chinese government ahead of a planned project in Shanghai - 这位艺术家声称,爱之城特许经营权削减了他的部门,以避免在上海的一个计划项目之前让中国政府感到不安。