Spreads of stapled zines in cheerful hues of cantaloupe, berry, and pistachio sherbet with titles like Making Art During Fascism, Emergency Health Grant Resource Guide and Mapping Feminist L.A.'s "Angelena Atlas” line the shelves; grass-green and indigo bumper stickers, neon graphic tote bags, and flower and logo pins hang from every surface, along with little note cards bearing messages like “Culture-making is a fundamental human and societal experience.” and “We are a process, not the product.”—Women’s Center has managed to make dissent amusing, even rosy. - 以哈密瓜、浆果和开心果果子露的欢快色调,在货架上以“法西斯主义时期的艺术制作”、“紧急健康补助资源指南”和“女权主义者L.A.的“安杰丽娜阿特拉斯”等标题,将钉好的锌片铺开;草绿色和靛蓝的保险杠贴纸、霓虹图案手提包以及花饰和标志别针挂在每一个表面上。长长的卡片上写着“文化制作是人类和社会的基本经验”之类的信息,“我们是一个过程,而不是产品。”——妇女中心设法使异议变得有趣,甚至是乐观。
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Like its namesake, ‘The Oscar Wilde Temple’ is not shy of the limelight. It comes clad in extravagant florals. Gilding abounds, lights sparkle and the décor is nothing if not de trop. - 就像它的名字一样,《奥斯卡王尔德寺庙》并不羞于成为众人瞩目的焦点。它穿着华丽的花束。到处都是镀金,灯光闪闪发光,装饰品如果不是装饰品就没什么了。
Karin Schneider, Sabotage, 2017, installation view CCA Wattis Institute, San Francisco. Courtesy: the artist - Karin Schneider,破坏,2017,安装视图CCA WATIS研究所,旧金山。礼貌:艺术家
With authors, curators and musicians recently denied entry, the UK is fast painting itself as a cultural pariah - 由于作者、策展人和音乐家最近拒绝进入,英国正在迅速将自己描绘成一个文化贱民。