‘Do the easy thing first,’ Tom Sachs’s film Paradox Bullets (2018) begins, while a time-lapse video follows workers moving around an artist’s studio with the efficiency of a pit crew. ‘Do the easy thing first. As a warm-up to ease into the hard thing.’ After a moment of reflection on the approach, the scene starts up again. ‘The opposite is equally valid,’ continues the unmistakable voice of Werner Herzog. ‘Do the hard thing first because it takes more time, you are fresh, you can work in daytime, stores are open, and help is not out to dinner.’ In the studio, a team constructs and erects the geodesic dome that they had struggled with just a few seconds earlier. - 汤姆·萨克斯(TomSachs)的电影《悖论子弹》(2018年)以“先做容易的事”开始,而一段延时视频则关注着工人们在艺术家工作室里以一个维修站工作人员的效率移动。“先做简单的事。作为一个热身,轻松进入困难的事情。'经过一段时间的思考,接近,场景又开始了。“相反的情况同样有效,”维尔纳·赫尔佐格明确的声音继续说道。“首先要做困难的事情,因为这需要更多的时间,你是新鲜的,你可以在白天工作,商店是开放的,帮助不是出去吃饭。”在工作室,一个团队建造和安装了测地穹顶,他们刚刚挣扎了几秒钟。
Jennifer Higgie
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Siegel will divide her time between New York, Berlin and London, leading on frieze’s print and digital publishing - 西格尔将在纽约、柏林和伦敦之间分配时间,领导弗里兹的印刷和数字出版。
‘A response to the hard fact that women are still under-represented in every part of the art world’, says Jo Stella-Sawicka - Jo Stella Sawicka说,这是对女性在艺术世界的每一个角落都没有得到充分体现的事实的回应。