We could not have hoped for a better inaugural edition of Frieze Los Angeles in terms of attendance, atmosphere and sales - Victoria Siddall, Director of Frieze Fairs - 从出席人数、气氛和销售情况来看,我们不可能希望洛杉矶Frieze的开幕式能有一个更好的版本——Frieze Fairs总监Victoria Siddall
Klaus Biesenbach
This Saturday's HighlightsWho says L.A. isn’t a walking city?Presented with ForYourArt to mark the launch of Frieze Los Angeles, the free L.A. Walk of Art on Saturday, February 16, involves twelve self-guided routes across the city, exploring neighborhoods of galleries and museums as well as places to eat and shop. Join the L.A. Walk of Art, by car, by foot and by metro, to take part in special events on the different routes. Download the Walk of Art Route Map or see the routes here. - 这个星期六的亮点谁说洛杉矶不是一个步行的城市?2月16日,星期六,免费洛杉矶艺术之行在洛杉矶举行,活动包括12条自助路线穿过城市,探索画廊和博物馆的街区,以及吃饭和购物的地方。参加洛杉矶艺术步行、汽车、步行和地铁,参加不同路线的特殊活动。下载步行艺术路线图或在此处查看路线。
This Saturday's HighlightsWho says L.A. isn’t a walking city?Presented with ForYourArt to mark the launch of Frieze Los Angeles, the free L.A. Walk of Art on Saturday, February 16, involves twelve self-guided routes across the city, exploring neighborhoods of galleries and museums as well as places to eat and shop. Join the L.A. Walk of Art, by car, by foot and by metro, to take part in special events on the different routes. Download the Walk of Art Route Map or see the routes here. - 这个星期六的亮点谁说洛杉矶不是一个步行的城市?2月16日,星期六,免费洛杉矶艺术之行在洛杉矶举行,活动包括12条自助路线穿过城市,探索画廊和博物馆的街区,以及吃饭和购物的地方。参加洛杉矶艺术步行、汽车、步行和地铁,参加不同路线的特殊活动。下载步行艺术路线图或在此处查看路线。
Mara Sartore: This year you participated in the Athens Biennial, without setting foot in your hometown, can you tell us about how you managed this? - 玛拉·萨托雷:今年你参加了雅典双年展,没有踏足你的家乡,你能告诉我们你是如何管理这个项目的吗?
In further news: former Venice Biennale director calls biennial model ‘stale, if not dead’; photographer Shahidul Alam charged over ‘provocative comments’ - 另一则新闻:前威尼斯双年展导演称双年展“过时,如果没有死”;摄影师Shahidul Alam指责“挑衅性评论”。
The longtime director of MoMA PS1 heads to the West CoastKlaus Biesenbach. Courtesy: MOCA, Los Angeles; photograph: Casey Kelbaugh - MOMA PS1的长期导演前往西海岸。礼貌:莫卡,洛杉矶;照片:Casey Kelbaugh