Rafa Esparza grew up painting and drawing but was more familiar with the murals and crafts within his family and community than with contemporary galleries or museums. As he got older, he nurtured a relationship to performance by joining his East L.A. neighbors’ sweat lodges and ceremonies, questioning their creation myths and rigid gender roles while enacting their ancient traditions. The modern institution would become more alienating, so he went back outside. - 拉法埃斯帕扎在绘画和绘画方面长大,但他对家庭和社区中的壁画和工艺品比对当代画廊或博物馆更熟悉。随着年龄的增长,他加入了他的东洛杉矶邻居的汗流浃背和仪式,在继承他们古老的传统的同时质疑他们的创造神话和僵化的性别角色,从而培养了与表演的关系。现代制度会变得更加疏远,所以他回到外面去了。
Los Angeles
What do we gain from straining to decipher a language at the edge of our understanding? In struggling to find the right word to say? Continuous Wave (2019), Emily Mast’s project for the RU.in.ART lounge at Frieze Los Angeles — floats these questions like bubbles, offering brief moments of reflection and connection. - 在我们理解的边缘,通过努力去破译一种语言,我们能得到什么?在努力寻找合适的词语时?连续波(2019年),艾米丽·马斯特为洛杉矶中楣的Ru.in.Art酒廊设计的项目——像气泡一样漂浮着这些问题,提供短暂的思考和联系时刻。
Head straight to the New York City backlot to explore Frieze Projects - large-scale and immersive installations by international artists including Paul McCarthy's giant Ketchup bottle, Sarah Cain's painted transformation of a brownstone apartment, and Tino Sehgal's performance. - 直接前往纽约市的外景地,探索饰带项目——国际艺术家的大型和沉浸式装置,包括保罗·麦卡锡的巨型番茄酱瓶、莎拉·凯恩对布朗斯通公寓的绘画改造以及蒂诺·塞加尔的表演。
When artist Andrea Bowers began a quick overview of her practice by playing news clips covering her recent public project Somos 11 Millones/We Are 11 Million (in collaboration with Movimiento Cosecha) (2018) it took the morning crowd in the Sherry Lansing Theatre a moment to register that an English translation would not be coming. Instead, the highlight reel of on-the-street and passerby interviews were given in Spanish, by immigrants in New York City, and compiled from the Telemundo television network. - 艺术家Andrea Bowers通过播放报道她最近的公共项目Somos 11 millones/We are 1100万(与Movimento Cosecha合作)(2018年)的新闻剪辑开始了对她的实践的快速概述,当时雪利兰辛剧院的早起人群花了一点时间才意识到英语翻译不会出现。取而代之的是,纽约市的移民用西班牙语,并从Telemundo电视网编辑了《在街上》和《路人访谈》的精彩片段。
A limited number of additional Gallery + Program tickets for Saturday 12-2pm and Program Only tickets for Saturday have just been released due to popular demand. Buy now to avoid disappointment! - 由于大众的需求,周六12-2pm和周六仅限节目的门票数量有限,刚刚发布。立即购买以避免失望!
This Saturday's HighlightsWho says L.A. isn’t a walking city?Presented with ForYourArt to mark the launch of Frieze Los Angeles, the free L.A. Walk of Art on Saturday, February 16, involves twelve self-guided routes across the city, exploring neighborhoods of galleries and museums as well as places to eat and shop. Join the L.A. Walk of Art, by car, by foot and by metro, to take part in special events on the different routes. Download the Walk of Art Route Map or see the routes here. - 这个星期六的亮点谁说洛杉矶不是一个步行的城市?2月16日,星期六,免费洛杉矶艺术之行在洛杉矶举行,活动包括12条自助路线穿过城市,探索画廊和博物馆的街区,以及吃饭和购物的地方。参加洛杉矶艺术步行、汽车、步行和地铁,参加不同路线的特殊活动。下载步行艺术路线图或在此处查看路线。
Take a look at the inaugural edition of the fairDavid Kordansky GalleryGagosianTrulee HallSfeir-Semler - 看一看费尔达维·科尔丹斯基画廊的开幕版《加古西安特鲁雷·哈尔斯费尔·塞姆勒》。
The Crest Theatre first opened on Christmas Day, 1940, and though it has changed hands – and names – several times since then, the Art Deco façade sitting on Westwood Boulevard has always been a head-turner; located near the UCLA campus, the building had continued to catch Kristy Edmunds’s eye over the years. The Executive and Artistic Director for the Center for the Art of Performance (CAP) at UCLA had been able to gain access to the 500-seat space for the occasional performance (the venue was originally a theatre for live performance built for Frances Seymour Fonda before being converted to a newsreel cinema during WWII), but felt that its potential was still left untapped. - 克雷斯特剧院于1940年圣诞节首次开张,尽管从那时起它已经易手改名了好几次,但坐落在韦斯特伍德大道上的装饰艺术总让人头晕目眩;这座建筑位于加州大学洛杉矶分校附近,多年来一直吸引着克里斯蒂·埃德蒙兹的目光。加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)表演艺术中心(CAP)的执行和艺术总监已经能够获得500个座位的临时演出空间(该场地原本是为弗朗西斯·西摩·方达建造的现场演出剧院,二战期间改为新闻片电影院),但他认为它的潜力仍然没有开发。
This Saturday's HighlightsWho says L.A. isn’t a walking city?Presented with ForYourArt to mark the launch of Frieze Los Angeles, the free L.A. Walk of Art on Saturday, February 16, involves twelve self-guided routes across the city, exploring neighborhoods of galleries and museums as well as places to eat and shop. Join the L.A. Walk of Art, by car, by foot and by metro, to take part in special events on the different routes. Download the Walk of Art Route Map or see the routes here. - 这个星期六的亮点谁说洛杉矶不是一个步行的城市?2月16日,星期六,免费洛杉矶艺术之行在洛杉矶举行,活动包括12条自助路线穿过城市,探索画廊和博物馆的街区,以及吃饭和购物的地方。参加洛杉矶艺术步行、汽车、步行和地铁,参加不同路线的特殊活动。下载步行艺术路线图或在此处查看路线。