文|皮特·德瑞克(美) 标题乍看表达了逻辑性的向前发展或是抛开传统和已知的一种概念。但标题想要表达的真实意思是先进的具象创作的下一步发展是尊重过去但又不是墨守成规。这是指借鉴诸世纪来的发明和实验来创造作品,这些作品以历史准则为基石,但又突破了这些准则。Beyond Figuration非常清晰地表达了先锋具象艺术家们是可以做到鱼和熊掌兼得的。通过直观的视觉表达,融合艺术历史和当代文化是本次展览对艺术家们的期望。
New York
Access Through a Detour 19 January to 11 March 2018Opening: 4:00 - 6:30 pm 19 JanuaryWith artists aaajiao, Wong Ping, Liu Yefu, Liu Yin, Nabuqi, Song Ta, Wang Shang, Cici Wu, Lantian Xie, Yu Ji & Yan Jun
Kyoto, 2016 , Hand-colored black and white photo, 148.5 x 139.2 cm Shi Guowei studied photography at Fachhochschule, Dortmund. For his graduation, he took inspiration from the technique of hand-coloring photographs influenced from his parent’s generation. Through processes of using Kodak C-print, he first chemically develops the black and white print onto photographic paper – this becomes the ‘base color’ – before final hand painting the final layers to complete it. It is a traditional hand technique, which shares more than one hundred years of history with black and white photography – and it reappears again to beguile a new audience. For a long period of time, photography has become associated as an ‘objective’ form of reproducing objects. Taken this idea further, today the photographic technologies have reached a point of practically becoming an omnipotent presence in our lives. Shi Guowei uses his own work to challenge this point – ‘There is still distance between color perceived with the naked eye, which far surpasses that of the lens. Color obtained in color photography still falls short to the vivid qualities of nature – in fact it pales in comparison. On the contrary, through the mind and its memory of the photographed scene, color is mixed and applied according to what feels appropriate to the scene – adding lucidity to the image as well as a heightened accuracy.’ As the mind opens, the artist uses the eye to photographically capture images of interest - information is then stored in the memory of a ‘micro-chip’. It involves a continuous accumulation of things, but also a perpetual procedure of screening, verification, and layering, which together enhances the process of image recognition.
Tang Yongxiang Curator: Lu Mingjun 2nd September to 15th October 2017 Some Figures Underneath a Tree, 2017, oil on canvas, 180 x 200cm, exhibition view, courtesy the artist and Magician Space