Vladimir Kush claims the pop singer’s visuals for ‘God is a Woman’ copies his paintings which depict a woman inside a candle flame - 弗拉基米尔库什声称,这位流行歌手为“上帝是女人”所作的视觉效果复制了他的绘画,描绘了一个女人在蜡烛火焰中的样子。
The 45-second commercial, instructing viewers to #EatLikeAndy, features vintage footage of the late pop artist - 这部45秒的广告,引导观众尽情享受美食,以已故流行艺术家的复古片段为特色。
Anyone doubting the resurgence of stand-up comedy need look no further than Netflix. In 2013, the streaming service produced five original stand-up specials; in 2018, they released 69 of these hour-long stand-up shows, as well as 25 episodes of stand-up from three discrete series. And popularity isn’t just measured in numbers. In the past few years, comedians have entered mainstream consciousness in a way we haven’t seen since the nineties. - 任何怀疑独立喜剧复兴的人都不需要再看Netflix了。2013年,流媒体服务制作了五个原创展台特辑;2018年,他们发布了69个小时长的展台节目,以及25个独立系列的展台节目。人气不仅仅是用数字来衡量的。在过去的几年里,喜剧演员以一种自90年代以来我们从未见过的方式进入了主流意识。
Join us this February for the launch of Frieze Los AngelesTickets are limited and only available online. Buy now to avoid disappointment! - 今年二月加入我们推出“弗里斯洛杉矶机票”是有限的,而且只在网上提供。现在就买以避免失望!
Frieze has collaborated with Los Angeles-based photographer Trevor Hernandez on a photo series to launch Frieze Los Angeles. Celebrated as @gangculture on Instagram, Hernandez’s commission for Frieze reframes Paramount Pictures Studios from the artist’s distinctive, surrealist perspective, exposing uncanny compositions on the working lot and within the urban Los Angeles landscape. Hernandez’s work for Frieze Los Angeles will be featured on frieze.com, across social media and on visual advertising world-wide. - Frieze与洛杉矶的摄影师Trevor Hernandez合作拍摄了一系列照片,推出了Frieze Los Angeles。Hernandez的Frieze委员会以“Instagram上的帮派文化”而闻名,它从艺术家独特的超现实主义视角重新塑造了派拉蒙电影制片厂,揭露了工作场所和洛杉矶城市景观中不可思议的构图。Hernandez为Frieze Los Angeles所做的工作将在frieze.com、社交媒体和全球视觉广告上展出。
For a minimum donation, buyers can win the street artist’s overloaded boat by guessing its weightBanksy, How heavy it weighs, 2015. Courtesy: Instagram - 对于最低限度的捐赠,买家可以通过猜测《银行有多重》来赢得这位街头艺术家的超载船,2015年。礼貌:Instagram
We came down like the rain, hard and angular. I landed in Houston in the midst of a vicious storm, not long before air traffic control grounded all departing flights. This wasn’t in the forecast, I thought – but then the airwaves that weekend were full of shaky predictions: a big Blue Wave was coming, and it was going to break first in Texas. I had arrived for the opening preview of the new Menil Drawing Institute, four days before the US midterm elections. - 我们像雨一样下着,又硬又角。我在一场猛烈的暴风雨中降落在休斯敦,不久,空中交通管制就停止了所有起飞的航班。我想这在预测中没有,但是那个周末的电视广播充满了不稳定的预测:一个巨大的蓝浪即将来临,而且它将在得克萨斯州首开纪录。我是在美国中期选举前四天来参加新梅尼尔画研究所的开幕式预览的。