今年沙迦双年展的主题是「在当下思考历史」(Thinking Historically in the Present ),这个主题是已故的尼日利亚策展人、艺术评论家和作家Okwui Enwezor 生前留下的构思,最后特别委托沙迦艺术基金会(SAF)总监 Sheika Hoor Al Qasimi 代为实现。
This is the first time that an artist collective, and curators from Asia, have been picked to direct the prestigious exhibition - 这是第一次有艺术家团体和来自亚洲的策展人被挑选来指导这一著名的展览。
His design will emerge from Kensington Gardens like a low-lying cloud, with its interior intended as ‘a refuge for contemplation’ - 他的设计将从肯辛顿花园中浮出水面,就像低矮的云,其内部设计是“沉思的避难所”。
The artwork on the Venice waterfront will serve as a reminder that the city’s waterways could soon endanger its existence - 威尼斯海滨的艺术作品将提醒人们,威尼斯的水路很快就会危及它的存在。