The Kitchen
Custom incident tape? Check. Tongue-like concrete casts? Check. Rebar? Padlocks? Pennies? Peep-holes? Smushed books printed with Neanderthal nonsense language? Security tags? All present and correct. Yep: it’s Michael Dean, doing his thing at Hepworth Wakefield as one of the five nominees for this year’s Hepworth Prize for Sculpture. Dean’s work tends to fare best when he has a whole space to himself, as here, in which to create a little Dean-world with Of or for LOL (2018). This one finds him in amorous apologetic mode – the incident tape circling this room reads ‘sorry,’ stickers overlapping one another like urban debris spurt a mangled stream of ‘I love you’s. Twinned rebar hearts bristle with lovers’s locks. - 自定义事件磁带?检查。舌状混凝土铸件?检查。钢筋?挂锁?便士?窥视孔?印有尼安德特人胡言乱语的书?安全标签?所有的都是正确的。是的,是迈克尔·迪恩,在赫普沃斯威克菲尔德,作为今年赫普沃斯雕塑奖的五位提名者之一。迪恩的作品往往表现最好的时候,他有一个完整的空间,在这里,创造一个小迪恩的世界与或为LOL(2018)。这一个发现他处于多情的道歉模式——环绕这个房间的事件录影带上写着“对不起”,贴纸互相重叠,就像城市废墟喷涌出一股破碎的“我爱你”流。双层钢筋心被情人的锁毛发竖起。