Spreads of stapled zines in cheerful hues of cantaloupe, berry, and pistachio sherbet with titles like Making Art During Fascism, Emergency Health Grant Resource Guide and Mapping Feminist L.A.'s "Angelena Atlas” line the shelves; grass-green and indigo bumper stickers, neon graphic tote bags, and flower and logo pins hang from every surface, along with little note cards bearing messages like “Culture-making is a fundamental human and societal experience.” and “We are a process, not the product.”—Women’s Center has managed to make dissent amusing, even rosy. - 以哈密瓜、浆果和开心果果子露的欢快色调,在货架上以“法西斯主义时期的艺术制作”、“紧急健康补助资源指南”和“女权主义者L.A.的“安杰丽娜阿特拉斯”等标题,将钉好的锌片铺开;草绿色和靛蓝的保险杠贴纸、霓虹图案手提包以及花饰和标志别针挂在每一个表面上。长长的卡片上写着“文化制作是人类和社会的基本经验”之类的信息,“我们是一个过程,而不是产品。”——妇女中心设法使异议变得有趣,甚至是乐观。
Social Work
‘Within the Revolution everything, against the Revolution nothing,’ declared Fidel Castro to the Cuban intelligentsia in 1961. Those words put an end to a debate over whether the state was justified in its censure of a film about nightlife at Havana’s port and led to the closure of Cuba’s premiere cultural magazine, Lunes de Revolución. While that infamous phrase has defined Cuba’s cultural policy ever since, its interpretation has varied depending on the political climate of the country. Nowadays Cuba enjoys international prestige for its free art education and its roster of home-grown art stars, but abstract painting, homoerotic fiction, scatological performances, anti-authoritarian poems, political punk rock and rap have fallen outside the boundaries of acceptability at many stages of the revolution, leading to arrests, the social death of several intellectuals and the confiscation of art works. - 1961年,卡斯特罗向古巴知识分子宣称:“在革命中,一切都是反对革命的,什么都不是。”这些话结束了关于哈瓦那政府对一部关于哈瓦那港口夜生活的电影的批评是否正当的辩论,并导致古巴首映的文化杂志《Lunes de Revolucin》的关闭。尽管这个臭名昭著的词组自那时起就界定了古巴的文化政策,但其解释因政治而异。国家的气候。如今,古巴因其自由的艺术教育和本国艺术明星的名册而享有国际声誉,但抽象绘画、同性恋小说、讽刺表演、反独裁诗歌、政治朋克摇滚和饶舌在革命的许多阶段都已超出了可接受的范围,导致社会被捕。一些知识分子的死亡和艺术品的没收。
‘A response to the hard fact that women are still under-represented in every part of the art world’, says Jo Stella-Sawicka - Jo Stella Sawicka说,这是对女性在艺术世界的每一个角落都没有得到充分体现的事实的回应。