方璐 & 艾瑞:于须弥,我创造了你
Fang Lu & Arie Kishon:In the Mount Sumeru, I Created You
艺术家:方璐 & 艾瑞(Arie Kishon)
地点:Gallery I & II|SPURS Gallery|北京市朝阳区酒仙桥北路二号院798艺术区D-06
Fang Lu and Arie Kishon’s solo exhibition, showcasing video and painting works, exploring the fusion of art and life.
马刺画廊荣幸宣布艺术家方璐&艾瑞(Arie Kishon)的个展“于须弥,我创造了你”将于2025年1月4日开幕。这次展览将在一楼空间展出方璐&艾瑞创作的最新影像长篇《神舍》(2025年),二楼空间将展出艾瑞的绘画作品与家具设计《金刚波椅》(2025年)。
《神舍》是一部关于痛苦和疗愈的作品,是方璐&艾瑞于近两年间创作的76分钟的影像长篇。作品集合了纪录与虚构的录像语言,拍摄地点跨越中国、美国和以色列。许多古老的传统都认为,我们正生活在一个黑暗的时代,最终的救赎尚未来临。这是由于女性神格被放逐,世界处在一个匮乏的状态中。因此,男性神格一直都渴盼着女性神格重新显现,并在宇宙中占据应有的位置,从而使阳性力量和阴性力量融合,为世界带来和平和睦。基于这种原始二元性,即一个由男女神格组成的灵性世界,本片虚构了他支那(Hechina)和她支那(Shechina)这两个人物,去展现神格的阴阳两面。由艺术家徐坦扮演的他支那,出现在一栋处于城市和树林交界的空置的楼房里。在这个特殊的场域中,他接受人们的请求,聆听他们的倾诉,依靠着她支那(Mihal Goldstein饰演)的显灵和恩典,他能通过创造性的行为来帮助人们重获平衡。
方璐&艾瑞,《神舍》(影像静帧),2025,单频高清影像,彩色,有声,76分钟|Fang Lu & Arie Kishon, Shechina, 2025, single-channel HD video, color, sound, 76 min.
Fang Lu & Arie Kishon: Somewhere in the center, I created you
January 4–February 19, 2025
Gallery I & II | SPURS Gallery, D-06, 2 Jiuxianqiao RD.N, Chaoyang, Beijing
SPURS Gallery is honored to present Fang Lu & Arie Kishon’s solo exhibition, “Somewhere in the center, I created you”, opening on January 4, 2025. The exhibition features the latest film Shechina (2025) by the two artists in Gallery I, and Kishon’s drawings, paintings and a furniture design Diamond Wave Chair (2025) in Gallery II on the second floor.
The title of the exhibition, “Somewhere in the center, I created you”, is by the same name as one of the series of drawings of Kishon. In the Chinese title “Xu Mi” refers to “The Mount Sumeru”, which is the center of the world and the dwelling place of the gods in Hindu and Buddhist cosmologies. The Buddhist word “Sumeru” echoes the word Shechina (Shekhinah) in Hebrew, which in the Jewish tradition also represents the feminine aspect of God and the presence of God in a place or an occasion. The title of the film therefore takes its name from Shechina.
Shechina is a work about pain and healing in the modern era. It is a 76-minute film produced by Fang Lu and Arie Kishon in the last two years. The production of the work takes place in Tel Aviv, Guangzhou, Brooklyn and Beacon. The film is comprised both of documentary and fictional parts, intertwined throughout the entire piece. In many traditions it is argued that we are in an age of darkness, and that salvation is yet to come. The world is in a state of lack, because the feminine aspect of God is in exile. And so, God, the masculine, is always yearning for the Shechina, the feminine, to reappear and assume its rightful place in the universe, unifying both male and female and bringing peace and harmony to the world. Based on this primordial duality, this separation to male and female in the spiritual realm, the film makes up the fictional characters Hechina (cast by artist Xu Tan) and Shechina (cast by Mihal Goldstein) as the male and female aspects of God. Hechina dwells in an empty building outside of the suburbs, between where the city ends and forest begins. From this special location he receives testimonies of peoples’ suffering. By the presence and grace of Shechina, he can engage in a creative act to aid people in restoring balance.
Arie Kishon’s exploration of reality beyond the five senses, either through scripture from across the globe, personal experience, or by relating to the new, emerging science of BioGeometry, serve as the background for the creation of the Diamond Wave Chair exhibiting in Gallery II. The chair can be used either as a single piece, or as an ensemble, providing several combinations utilizing the same design—two chairs can be put together to form a day bed, while four pieces can be joined together to form a whole king size bed. For the purpose of this installation, this chair is used for the person sitting in it to integrate the energy of the space into their own system. The physical attributes of the chair are in accordance with design elements that work towards maximizing beneficial, life sustaining energy.
Also showing on the second floor are Kishon’s drawings and paintings on rice paper. The abstract paintings and drawings deal with the realm that exists in the gap between physical reality and its divine source. One example for such a phenomenon, that of existence in between these two realms is language, which is being used in the paintings titled Come, it’s the end of the world (2020), and All the night I can afford (2021). The line drawings are four groups of seven drawings, titled Somewhere in the center, I made you; Somewhere in the center, I formed you; Somewhere in the center, I created you; Somewhere in the center, I stilled you. The repetition of titles is meant to be like mantra, that resonates with the repetition of the lines in the drawing. These drawing are the process of a meditative journey that the artist is engaged in and invites viewers to be a part of.
The exhibition will remain on view until February 19, 2025.
艾瑞,《来吧,这里是世界的尽头》,纸本设色,134 × 66 cm,156 × 82 cm(带框)|Arie Kishon, Come, it’s the end of the world, 2020, ink and color on rice paper, 134 × 66 cm, 156 × 82 cm framed
关于艺术家 About the artists
Fang Lu (b. 1981, Guangzhou, China) lives and works in Beacon, New York, USA.
Fang Lu is most recognized for her video art, while her palette involves photography, installation and print as well. Her practice addresses the tensions intermingled with modern life. Through elevating personal experience and struggles to a metaphysical setting, she strives to reveal the magical aspects of the so-called mundane. Her work has been shown and screened in museums and art spaces including Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, Anthology Film Archive in New York, Centre Pompidou in Paris, Times Museum in Guangzhou and Berlin, the UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, OCAT museums in Shanghai and Shenzhen, and more. She is a co-founder of Video Bureau, an independent video archive in Guangzhou and Beijing. In addition to her involvement in art, Fang is also a licensed practitioner of Acupuncturist and Chinese herbal medicine in New York.
Arie Kishon (b. 1983, Tel Aviv, Israel) lives and works in Beacon, New York, USA.
Arie Kishon comes from a cinema and photography background. He is a versatile artist whose practice ranges from cinema and painting to music and poetry. His recent works focus on the exploration of abstract depictions using the medium of traditional Chinese painting. He is currently completing his studies in the field of homeopathy, as well as developing a personal method of energy healing.