Artist Susan Hiller, Explorer of Consciousness and the Occult, Dies Aged 78 – 艺术家苏珊·希勒,意识探索者和神秘主义者,死于78岁。

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By Frieze News Desk

30 Jan 2019

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Artist Susan Hiller, Explorer of Consciousness and the Occult, Dies Aged 78

By Frieze News Desk

30 Jan 2019

The ‘paraconceptualist’ best known for her explorations of esoteric subjects has passed away


Artist Susan Hiller, Explorer of Consciousness and the Occult, Dies Aged 78 - 艺术家苏珊·希勒,意识探索者和神秘主义者,死于78岁。

Susan Hiller. © Lisson Gallery, London

London-based artist and ‘paraconceptualist’ Susan Hiller, best known for her investigations into consciousness, dream states and paranormal activity, has died at the age of 78. The news was announced by Lisson Gallery in London, which represents the artist. A short statement from the gallery confirmed that she had passed away after a ‘short illness’. 

Hiller was born in 1940 in Tallahassee, Florida and graduated from Smith College in Massachusetts in 1961. She received her doctorate in anthropology from Tulane University in New Orleans and moved to London soon after, where she connected with various British conceptualists and minimalists. Throughout a career that spanned five decades, the artist employed photography, video and sculpture to explore esoteric subjects including attempts to communicate with supernatural beings and experiments in automatic writing. She is loosely connected to the British conceptualists of the 1960s and 1970s and was included in Tate Britain’s survey of the movement in 2016. She also worked as a curator and taught as a Baltic Professor of Fine Art from 1999 to 2002 at the University of Newcastle. 

Her work often played into her anthropological background, with one of her most well-known works being a commission for the Freud Museum during the 1990s in which she collected Australian productions of aboriginal cave paintings, essays on HIV/AIDS and ceramics in an attempt to highlight the cultural biases of Western civilisation. ‘I’m interested in things that are outside or beneath recognition, whether that means cultural invisibility or has to do with the notion of what a person is. I see this as an archaeological investigation,’ Hiller said in a frieze interview with Stuart Morgan in 1995. 

In a statement, Ann Gallagher who organized the artist’s Tate Britain retrospective in 2011 said: ‘Her presence, her sharp intellect, her wisdom and her friendship will be much missed by so many.’ Andreas Leventis, Lisson Gallery’s associate director said working with the artist was ‘a privilege, an education, and always inspiring.’ Discussing the artist in 2007, Brian Dillon wrote that Hiller’s explorations were in a realm ‘half-way from the conceptual to the affective, a space that since the start of her career Hiller has made her own. ’ 

When asked what she could imagine doing if she wasn’t an artist, in a 2011 questionnaire with frieze, Hiller responded: ‘There’s nothing wonderful I can’t imagine doing, since the power of the imagination is limitless. I can imagine being a dancer or having an apple orchard or …’ 

Frieze News Desk

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Susan Hiller
Conceptual Art

新闻/弗里泽新闻台2019年1月30日新闻/艺术家苏珊·希勒,意识探索者和神秘主义者,死于弗里泽新闻台3号,享年78岁。2019年1月0日,以探索深奥主题而闻名的“副概念论者”苏珊希勒去世,她去世了。礼貌:伦敦艺术家、副概念主义者苏珊·希勒(Susan Hiller)在伦敦的Lisson画廊去世,享年78岁,她以对意识、梦境和超自然活动的研究而闻名。这条新闻是由伦敦的里森画廊(Lisson Gallery)宣布的,该画廊是这位艺术家的代表。画廊的一份简短声明证实,她是在“短暂的疾病”之后去世的。希勒1940年出生于佛罗里达州塔拉哈西,1961年毕业于马萨诸塞州的史密斯学院。她在新奥尔良杜兰大学获得了人类学博士学位,不久就搬到伦敦,在那里她与各种英国概念主义者和极简主义者联系在一起。在长达50年的职业生涯中,这位艺术家利用摄影、视频和雕塑来探索深奥的主题,包括尝试与超自然生物交流和自动写作实验。她与20世纪60年代和70年代的英国概念主义者有着松散的联系,并在2016年参加了泰特英国运动调查。1999年至2002年,她还在纽卡斯尔大学担任策展人,并担任波罗的海美术教授。她的作品经常与她的人类学背景有关,她最著名的作品之一是20世纪90年代弗洛伊德博物馆的一个委员会,在那里她收集了澳大利亚土著洞穴疼痛作品。廷斯,关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病和陶瓷的文章,试图强调西方文明的文化偏见。“我对那些不被认可或不被认可的事物感兴趣,无论这意味着文化上的隐身,还是与一个人是什么的概念有关。”“我认为这是一次考古调查,”希勒在1995年对斯图尔特摩根的一次“中楣”采访中说。“在一份声明中,2011年组织艺术家泰特-英国回顾展的安-加拉赫说:“她的存在、她敏锐的才智、她的智慧和她的友谊会被很多人错过。”安德烈亚斯-莱文提斯,里森-加尔Lery的副总监说,与这位艺术家合作是一种特权,一种教育,而且总是鼓舞人心的。2007年,Brian Dillon在谈到这位艺术家时写道,Hiller的探索是在一个“从概念到情感的一半”的领域中进行的,这是自她的职业生涯开始以来Hiller创造的一个空间。当被问及如果她不是一个艺术家,她能想象做什么时,在2011年的问卷调查中,希拉回答说:“没有什么是我想象不到的,因为想象的力量是无限的。我可以想象自己是一名舞蹈演员,或是拥有一个苹果园,或是……”Frieze新闻台新闻/Susan Hiller概念艺术新闻
