Head straight to the New York City backlot to explore Frieze Projects - large-scale and immersive installations by international artists including Paul McCarthy's giant Ketchup bottle, Sarah Cain's painted transformation of a brownstone apartment, and Tino Sehgal's performance. - 直接前往纽约市的外景地,探索饰带项目——国际艺术家的大型和沉浸式装置,包括保罗·麦卡锡的巨型番茄酱瓶、莎拉·凯恩对布朗斯通公寓的绘画改造以及蒂诺·塞加尔的表演。
The ‘paraconceptualist’ best known for her explorations of esoteric subjects has passed awaySusan Hiller. Courtesy: Lisson Gallery, London - 以探索深奥主题而闻名的“副概念论者”已经超越了阿瓦修森·希勒。礼遇:伦敦Lisson画廊
‘Bruce Nauman: Disappearing Acts’ at Schaulager, Basel Bruce Nauman’s retrospective included more than 150 works from the mid-1960s until today. The exhibition, which travelled on to New York’s MoMA, gathers drawings, photographs, sculptures, videos and sound pieces as well as most of Nauman’s monumental installations. The concluding work, in which Nauman repeatedly attempts and fails to arrive at a contrapposto, continues his morbid trajectory towards the reality of his aging body. - 巴塞尔舒拉赫的《布鲁斯·诺曼:消失行为》
Rereading Mark Fisher with the publication of his collected writings; Olivia Laing’s Crudo makes the NYT’s ‘100 Notable Books’ - 重新阅读马克·费希尔的作品集;奥利维亚·莱因的《鲁多》成为纽约时报的“100本名著”。
A week after the opening at the Royal Academy of Arts of ‘Oceania’ – an exhibition spanning the histories of the Pacific, which marks 250 years since Captain Cook’s first voyage to the region – I cradled a karetao in a nondescript London building that belongs to the British Museum. The wood was long-smoothed by hands, its markings deeply etched. In its materiality are a few clues as to where it may have come from; its easy curves are inscribed with meaning. I have seen a karetao described in English as both a ‘puppet’ and an ‘articulated marionette figure’, but the former is insufficient and the latter unnecessarily verbose. This linguistic exercise hints at a wider problem of how inadequate language can be at translating cultural nuance. - 在“大洋洲”皇家艺术学院开幕一周后,我在属于大英博物馆的一座不具名的伦敦建筑中摇篮。大洋洲皇家艺术学院是横跨太平洋历史的展览,标志着库克船长首次航行250年。木头被手抚平了,它的痕迹深深地被腐蚀了。其实质上是关于它可能来自何处的一些线索;它的简单曲线刻有含义。我看到一个用英语描述的卡雷托既是“木偶”又是“有铰链的木偶”,但是前者是不够的,后者不必要地冗长。这种语言学练习暗示了一个更广泛的问题,即语言在翻译文化细微差别方面可能存在多大的不足。
上海外滩美术馆于2018年11月9日到2019年2月24日举办比利时艺术家弗朗西斯·埃利斯(Francis Alÿs)在中国的首次大型个展——“消耗”,本次展览由长谷川祐子(Yuko Hasegawa)策划。
‘Wiggle’ Galerie Greta Meert 7 September – 20 OctoberUnfurling across Galerie Greta Meert’s three floors, ‘Wiggle’ showcases the work of 15 international artists who use sculpture to interrogate the notion of materiality beyond simple denotation. Donald Judd uses stacks and blocks to create non-referential works of art while Terry Adkins assembles locally found objects such as musical instruments and reintroduces them as resounding installations. Katinka Bock experiments with natural materials, using clay ceramic liquid and webbing to articulate thoughts on history and geography and on the other end of the spectrum, Diane Simpson’s work transfigures clothing, furniture and industrial architecture into sculptures that are an observation of the architectonic vs. the domestic. Countering painter Ad Reinhardt’s modernist joke that a sculpture is a thing that you ‘bump into while you back up to look at a painting’, the group show pushes back against convention, giving the form more leeway than tradition has previously allowed. - “摇摆”