Head straight to the New York City backlot to explore Frieze Projects – large-scale and immersive installations by international artists including Paul McCarthy’s giant Ketchup bottle, Sarah Cain’s painted transformation of a brownstone apartment, and Tino Sehgal’s performance.
Grab lunch at pop-ups from some of L.A.’s most talked-about restaurants including Cinqué, Sqirl, Baroo and Roberta’s Pizza.
At 2pm at the Sherry Lansing Theater, artist Agnieszka Kurant will be discussing her work in relation to the evolution of labour, knowledge, creativity, nature and surveillance capitalism with the philosopher and anthropologist Tobias Rees of the Berggruen Institute and pioneering synthetic biologist Drew Endy of Stanford University.

Claire Tabouret, The Swimmer, 2019. © Nights Gallery, Los Angeles
In the gallery tent, look out for Night Gallery’s pairing of paintings by Claire Tabouret with furniture by Josh Callaghan, and at Paramount Studios at 3:30pm, Anri Sala will be presenting a special screening of Take Over (L’Internationale) and (La Marseilleise).
Don’t miss Berlin-based Danish artist Jeppe Hein, known for his interactive sculptures and installations, that combine elements of humour with traditions of minimalism and conceptual art, presenting a solo with König Galerie.
Presented with ForYourArt, explore the neighbourhoods of galleries and museums as well as places to eat and shop in Los Angeles with the free L.A. Walk of Art. Follow one of our twelve self-guided routes including Hollywood Blvd. & Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood and Koreatown & MacArthur Park.

Sondra Perry, Graft and Ash for a Three Monitor Workstation, 2016, film still. © the artist and Bridget Donahue Gallery, New York
At 5pm, head over to Sherry Lansing Theatre to see filmmaker Cauleen Smith in conversation with artist Sondra Perry. At 6:30pm, artist Stanya Kahn, whose recent solo shows were at The Box at the Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio, and the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, Missouri, will be in conversation with US Senior Editor, frieze, Andew Durbin.

Voter registration table at the Take Back the House fundraiser at Ghebaly Gallery. © Lynne Berman
Why not visit Artists 4 Democracy’s pop-up Democracy shop which will stock politically-minded wares from the artistic community including mugs, books, zines, clothing, badges, prints, posters, and other objects.
直接前往纽约市的外景地,探索饰带项目——国际艺术家的大型和沉浸式装置,包括保罗·麦卡锡的巨型番茄酱瓶、莎拉·凯恩对布朗斯通公寓的改造以及蒂诺·塞加尔的表演。在洛杉矶一些最受欢迎的餐馆的弹出窗口吃午餐,包括辛曲、斯基尔、巴罗奥和罗伯塔的披萨。下午2点,在雪莉·兰辛剧院,艺术家阿格涅斯卡·库兰特将与伯格伦研究所的哲学家和人类学家托比亚斯·里斯以及斯坦福大学的先驱合成生物学家德鲁·恩迪讨论她在劳动、知识、创造力、自然和监督资本主义进化方面的工作。 Claire Taboret,游泳者,2019年。礼遇:洛杉矶夜景画廊,在画廊帐篷里,观看夜景画廊与乔希·卡拉汉的家具和派拉蒙影城下午3:30的画作,安利·萨拉将为《接班》(L’Internationale)和(La Marseilleise)提供一个特别的放映。总部位于爱尔兰的丹麦艺术家Jeppe Hein,以其互动雕塑和装置闻名,将幽默元素与极简主义传统和概念艺术相结合,与K_nig Galerie独奏。与为您呈现,探索附近的画廊和博物馆,以及在洛杉矶吃饭和购物的地方,免费洛杉矶艺术步行。沿着我们的十二条自助路线之一走,包括好莱坞大道。&日落大道(amp;Sunset Blvd)。在好莱坞和韩国城的麦克阿瑟公园, Sondra Perry,用于三监视器工作站的嫁接和灰烬,2016年,电影《静止》。礼貌:艺术家和布丽奇特·多纳休画廊,纽约,下午5点,前往雪莉·兰辛剧院看电影制片人科琳·史密斯,与艺术家桑德拉·佩里交谈。下午6:30,艺术家Stanya Kahn将与美国高级编辑Frieze Andew Durbin交谈,他最近的独奏演出在俄亥俄州哥伦布市Wexner艺术中心和密苏里州圣路易斯当代艺术博物馆的包厢里。投票者登记表,位于Ghebaly画廊的收回房屋筹款处。礼貌:林恩·伯曼为什么不参观艺术家4民主的弹出式民主商店,该商店将存放来自艺术界具有政治头脑的商品,包括杯子、书籍、锌、衣服、徽章、印刷品、海报和其他物品。中楣周/洛杉矶中楣周指南
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