The artist alleges that the Cities of Love franchise cut his section to avoid upsetting the Chinese government ahead of a planned project in Shanghai - 这位艺术家声称,爱之城特许经营权削减了他的部门,以避免在上海的一个计划项目之前让中国政府感到不安。
The opening notes of Eugène Pottier’s L’Internationale would be familiar to many: the song has been utilized as the official communist and socialist song for movements worldwide since the mid-nineteenth century. It was the Second International and Third International Communist Parties’ hymn, after taking its title from the First International; the Soviet Union’s national anthem from 1918 to 1944. L’Internationale was originally intended to share the tune with La Marseillaise, France’s national anthem, but by 1888, it had its own melody. The lyrics’ translation into so many other languages, becoming a de facto anthem for leftist movements throughout China, Germany, England, numerous South Asian countries, as well as independent socialist, Marxist, and anarchist movements called for a distinctive sound. - 尤格·波蒂埃的《国际歌》的开场白对很多人来说都是耳熟能详的:自19世纪中叶以来,这首歌一直被作为官方的共产主义和社会主义歌曲用于世界各地的运动。这是继第一国际之后的第二次国际和第三次国际共产党的赞歌;1918年至1944年的苏联国歌。《国际歌》原本打算和法国国歌《马赛曲》分享这首曲子,但到了1888年,它有了自己的旋律。这首歌词翻译成许多其他语言,成为中国、德国、英国、许多南亚国家的左翼运动以及独立的社会主义运动、马克思主义运动和无政府主义运动的一首事实上的颂歌,要求有一种独特的声音。
On the occasion of the art week in Shanghai in November 2018, Cristina Sanchez-Kozyreva met with Adrian H. Wang who took over the direction of AIKE last summer. He shares his coming to the art world and what it means to him to be a gallerist. - 2018年11月,在上海举办的艺术周之际,克里斯蒂娜·桑切斯·科兹列娃会见了去年夏天接任艾可画廊的王欢。他和大家分享他来到艺术界的经历,以及成为一名画廊老板对他意味着什么。
The year 2018 marked 40 years of reform and development in China. However, a gloomy reality has overshadowed the democratic aspirations that many within and outside of the country had associated with the implementation of a market economy. Initially reform and opening up served as an engine to transform China from an impoverished state to a formidable economic power. Yet the process of de-politicization following the student movement in 1989 set the ball rolling on a singular economic track. In 2018, mirroring the rise of right-wing strongmen across the world, everyday life and intellectual discussion have been increasingly subject to tightened surveillance and controls as President Xi consolidates his own powerbase. - 2018年是中国改革开放40年的一年。然而,令人沮丧的现实掩盖了国内外许多人与实行市场经济有关的民主愿望。最初,改革开放是中国从一个贫穷国家转变为一个强大经济力量的引擎。然而,1989年学生运动之后的去政治化进程使经济走上了一条奇特的轨道。2018,反映了右翼强人在世界各地的崛起,日常生活和知识分子的讨论越来越受到严密的监视和控制,因为席总统巩固了自己的权力基础。
‘Bruce Nauman: Disappearing Acts’ at Schaulager, Basel Bruce Nauman’s retrospective included more than 150 works from the mid-1960s until today. The exhibition, which travelled on to New York’s MoMA, gathers drawings, photographs, sculptures, videos and sound pieces as well as most of Nauman’s monumental installations. The concluding work, in which Nauman repeatedly attempts and fails to arrive at a contrapposto, continues his morbid trajectory towards the reality of his aging body. - 巴塞尔舒拉赫的《布鲁斯·诺曼:消失行为》
In further news: Berlin cultural institutions rally against far-right; Tate Liverpool to stage first UK show dedicated to Keith Haring - 进一步的消息:柏林文化机构联合起来反对极右派;泰特·利物浦为基思·哈林举行英国首场演出
In further news: Italian government cracks down on art crime; and screening live arts performances fails to diversify audiences - 另辟蹊径:意大利政府严厉打击艺术犯罪,现场放映艺术表演未能使观众多样化 ;
Who are photographs for? Who are photographs by? Increasingly, the answer to both questions is, more or less, machine: images are captured by autonomous, or semi-autonomous devices in the act of gathering data for artificial intelligences. - 照片是给谁的?照片是谁的?这两个问题的答案或多或少地越来越多地是机器:图像是由自主或半自主设备在为人工智能收集数据时捕获的。