His design will emerge from Kensington Gardens like a low-lying cloud, with its interior intended as ‘a refuge for contemplation’ - 他的设计将从肯辛顿花园中浮出水面,就像低矮的云,其内部设计是“沉思的避难所”。
In the third of a series, timed with the specially-themed November-December issue of frieze, we asked five artists, curators and writers, whose work has been involved with the challenges of decolonizing culture, to discuss the projects that have informed their thinking – from exhibitions and publications to more intangible and transient networks, whose effects are often more felt than documented, though no less significant. - 在系列文章的第三期,以特别主题的11月至12月的弗里兹杂志为时间点,我们邀请了五位艺术家、策展人和作家,他们的作品涉及非殖民文化的挑战,来讨论从展览和公共场所了解他们思想的项目。更多的无形和瞬态网络,其效果往往比记录的感觉,虽然不那么重要。
In the postcolonial study of Asia and the non-Western world, the act of comparison has usually meant using Euro-American standards to judge non-Euro-American cultures. In the academic realm of literary studies, this has translated into questions such as: does China have the epic? Does India or Japan have the novel? Does Korea have science fiction? These enquiries echo earlier European views that cultures in Asia and Africa have no history, philosophy, religion or literature to speak of. We are now at some distance from such ethnocentric views but the longterm effects of their comparative assertions remain influential. - 在亚洲和非西方世界的后殖民研究中,比较行为通常意味着使用欧美标准来评判非欧美文化。在文学研究的学术领域,这一问题转化为:中国有史诗吗?印度或日本有这部小说吗?韩国有科幻小说吗?这些调查反映了早期欧洲人的观点,即亚洲和非洲的文化没有历史、哲学、宗教或文学可言。我们现在与这种以种族为中心的观点相去甚远,但他们比较论断的长期影响仍然存在。
The origin tale of modern Singapore cultivates the image of a gleaming city rising from the wilderness – most recently rehashed in a certain hit film that makes a glib reference to the island being nothing but ‘jungle and pig farms’ before Chinese immigrants arrived, clearing the landscape and making themselves ‘crazy rich’ in the process. In this story, tigers are the antagonist, a feral threat it was impossible to eliminate completely: Singapore is an island, and tigers are excellent swimmers. As late as 1869, Alfred Russel Wallace wrote, in The Malay Archipelago, that ‘there are always a few tigers roaming about Singapore, and they kill, on average, a Chinaman every day’. - 现代新加坡的起源故事塑造了一个从荒野中崛起的闪闪发光的城市形象——最近在一部热门电影中重新演绎,这部电影巧妙地提到了在中国移民到来之前,这个岛除了“丛林和养猪场”之外别无他物。在这个过程中,让自己变得“疯狂富”。在这个故事中,老虎是敌人,一个无法完全消除的凶猛威胁:新加坡是一个岛屿,老虎是优秀的游泳运动员。早在1869年,阿尔弗雷德·拉塞尔·华莱士(Alfred Russel Wallace)在《马来群岛》(The Malay Archipelago)中就写道:“在新加坡到处游荡的老虎总是不多,平均每天会杀死一个中国人。”
Shows featuring counterfeit work by the Japanese artist Kusama and her compatriot Takashi Murakami, have appeared in at least six Chinese cities - 日本艺术家草间弥生和她的同胞村上隆(Takashi Murakami)的假冒作品在中国至少6个城市上映。
Ornaghi & Prestinari - Early Autumn exhibition view Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, 2018. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith
Poland’s feminist ‘Bison Ladies’ storm the Japanese artist’s Warsaw exhibition in solidarity with longtime model Kaori’s allegations of bullying - 波兰女权主义者“野牛女士们”风暴日本艺术家华沙展与长期模特Kaori的欺凌指控相辅相成