This is the first time that an artist collective, and curators from Asia, have been picked to direct the prestigious exhibition - 这是第一次有艺术家团体和来自亚洲的策展人被挑选来指导这一著名的展览。
2018 was a year marked by flames. From California’s recent wildfires to the extinction of the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro in a devastating fire this past September, this was, to say the least, a gruelling year. I suspect that the Brazilian government’s slovenliness with landmark architecture and historical preservation is not far from Trump’s biased blind eye towards climate change; their actions are the outcome of neglect and greed. - 2018年是一个充满火焰的年份。从加利福尼亚最近的野火到去年9月里约热内卢国家博物馆在一场毁灭性的大火中被扑灭,至少可以说,这是一个令人生厌的一年。我怀疑,巴西政府在标志性建筑和历史保护方面的迟缓,离特朗普对气候变化的偏见视而不见不远;他们的行为是忽视和贪婪的结果。
Misidentifying Van Gogh, the missing female rock stars, and misusing interns: what to read this weekend - 误认失踪的女摇滚明星凡高和误用实习生:这个周末读什么
Last month it was announced that Lena Dunham, the American actor and creator of the hit US show Girls (2012–17) would adapt the book A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea (2017) by Melissa Fleming, the head of communications for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea tells the harrowing story of Syrian refugee Doaa al-Zamel, who survived the sinking of the boat she was on, attempting to cross from Egypt to Italy in 2014. Zamel was stranded for four days at sea, ending the ordeal holding two babies who had been entrusted to her by their dying families. Her only support was a child’s inflatable life ring given to her by her fiancé, who drowned in front of her in the choppy waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This year alone that same body of water has claimed the lives of nearly 2,000 people. - 上个月,据宣布,美国影星列娜·邓纳姆(Lena Dunham)将改编《希望比海洋更强大》(2017年)一书。《希望比海更强大》讲述了叙利亚难民多阿·扎梅尔(Doaa al-Zamel)的悲惨故事,她在2014年试图从埃及横渡到意大利的船只沉没中幸存下来。扎梅尔在海上搁浅了四天,结束了抱着两个孩子的苦难,这两个孩子是他们垂死的家人托付给她的。她唯一的支持是她的未婚夫送给她的一枚充气生命戒指,她被淹没在地中海波涛汹涌的海面上。仅今年一年,同样的水就夺去了将近2000人的生命。
‘Every passion borders on the chaotic,’ wrote Walter Benjamin in his essay ‘Unpacking My Library’ (1931), ‘but the collector’s passion borders on the chaos of memories’. The collector of books, artworks, or miscellaneous trinkets, Benjamin thought, is at the mercy of the sheer variety of things out there. Once part of a collection, however, the collector relives their love for those things just by looking at them. - 沃尔特·本杰明(Walter Benjamin)在他的文章《解开我的图书馆》(Unpacking My Library)(1931)中写道:“每种激情都近乎于混乱,但收藏家的激情却近乎于记忆的混乱。”本杰明想,收藏书籍、艺术品或杂项小饰品的人,完全听任各种各样的东西摆布。然而,一旦收藏品的一部分,收藏家通过看它们来重新体验他们对这些事物的热爱。
On Halloween, the cavernous tunnels of the Deadhouse, a winding crypt-like space in the underground depths of Somerset House thronged with those gathered to celebrate the launch of Ignota Press. The rough brick walls illuminated purple, atmospheric music from DJs Lia Mouse and TTB, and an intoxicating heady aroma of incense filled the corridors. Founded by Sarah Shin and Ben Vickers, Ignota derives its name from the mystic Hildegard of Bingen’s lingua ignota (unknown language), with the aim of defining it as one ‘that makes possible the reimagining and re-enchantment of the world around us’ through books and events that traverse poetry, technology, and speculative mysticism. Their inaugural publication is the anthology: Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry, edited by Shin with Rebecca Tamás, which brings together 36 rising and established voices across 160 pages to explore themes of ‘justice, selfhood, and the transformative power of the occult.’ - 在万圣节前夕,这座死房子的洞穴隧道,是塞默塞特住宅地下深处的一个蜿蜒的地下室,与聚集在一起庆祝伊格诺塔出版社的人们聚集在一起。粗糙的砖墙照亮了来自DJS LIa鼠标和TTB的紫色、大气音乐,充满了令人陶醉的香气。IGNOTA由Sarah Shin和Ben Vickers创立,源于宾根语言IGNOTA(神秘语言)的神秘希尔德加德,其目的是通过遍历诗人的书籍和事件来定义一个“使我们周围世界重新想象和重新魅惑”的“语言”。RY、技术和推测神秘主义。他们的首期出版物是《拼写:21世纪的神秘诗歌》,由Shin和RebeccaTams编辑,该书汇集了36位在160页上崛起和确立的声音,探讨了“正义、自我和神秘的变革力量”的主题。
On Halloween, the cavernous tunnels of the Deadhouse, a winding crypt-like space in the underground depths of Somerset House thronged with those gathered to celebrate the launch of Ignota Press. The rough brick walls illuminated purple, atmospheric music from DJs Lia Mouse and TTB, and an intoxicating heady aroma of incense filled the corridors. Founded by Sarah Shin and Ben Vickers, Ignota derives its name from the mystic Hildegard of Bingen’s lingua ignota (unknown language), with the aim of defining it as one ‘that makes possible the reimagining and re-enchantment of the world around us’ through books and events that traverse poetry, technology, and speculative mysticism. Their inaugural publication is the anthology: Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry, edited by Shin with Rebecca Tamás, which brings together 36 rising and established voices across 160 pages to explore themes of ‘justice, selfhood, and the transformative power of the occult.’ - 在万圣节前夕,这座死房子的洞穴隧道,是塞默塞特住宅地下深处的一个蜿蜒的地下室,与聚集在一起庆祝伊格诺塔出版社的人们聚集在一起。粗糙的砖墙照亮了来自DJS LIa鼠标和TTB的紫色、大气音乐,充满了令人陶醉的香气。IGNOTA由Sarah Shin和Ben Vickers创立,源于宾根语言IGNOTA(神秘语言)的神秘希尔德加德,其目的是通过遍历诗人的书籍和事件来定义一个“使我们周围世界重新想象和重新魅惑”的“语言”。RY、技术和推测神秘主义。他们的首期出版物是《拼写:21世纪的神秘诗歌》,由Shin和RebeccaTams编辑,该书汇集了36位在160页上崛起和确立的声音,探讨了“正义、自我和神秘的变革力量”的主题。
Today's world heritage practices have come a long way since their heady days of Orientalist fetishization and imperialistic supremacy, becoming more sensitive to both material and immaterial cultures as well as differences in societal structures. Still, there remains much contestation with regards to what constitutes world heritage and the benefits that can come from such designations. As the procedures for selection evolve and struggle to place local practices into universal frameworks, proponents of conservation will also have to come to terms with how heritage can have negative impacts on communities. UNESCO sites such as Erbil, Hampi and Wutaishan, for example, have all experienced mass displacement as a result of government-led campaigns to convert ancient settlements into tourist destinations. - 从东方主义拜物教和帝国主义至上的时代开始,今天的世界遗产实践已经走过了漫长的道路,对物质和非物质文化以及社会结构的差异更加敏感。尽管如此,关于世界遗产的构成和来自这些命名的好处,仍然存在很多争议。随着选择程序的发展和努力将地方实践纳入到普遍的框架中,保护的拥护者也将不得不考虑遗产如何对社区产生负面影响。例如,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)的埃尔比勒(Erbil)、汉皮(Hampi)和五台山(Wutai.)等遗址都经历了大规模的流离失所,这是政府领导的、将古代聚落转变为旅游目的地的运动的结果。
Today's world heritage practices have come a long way since their heady days of Orientalist fetishization and imperialistic supremacy, becoming more sensitive to both material and immaterial cultures as well as differences in societal structures. Still, there remains much contestation with regards to what constitutes world heritage and the benefits that can come from such designations. As the procedures for selection evolve and struggle to place local practices into universal frameworks, proponents of conservation will also have to come to terms with how heritage can have negative impacts on communities. UNESCO sites such as Erbil, Hampi and Wutaishan, for example, have all experienced mass displacement as a result of government-led campaigns to convert ancient settlements into tourist destinations. - 从东方主义拜物教和帝国主义至上的时代开始,今天的世界遗产实践已经走过了漫长的道路,对物质和非物质文化以及社会结构的差异更加敏感。尽管如此,关于世界遗产的构成和来自这些命名的好处,仍然存在很多争议。随着选择程序的发展和努力将地方实践纳入到普遍的框架中,保护的拥护者也将不得不考虑遗产如何对社区产生负面影响。例如,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)的埃尔比勒(Erbil)、汉皮(Hampi)和五台山(Wutai.)等遗址都经历了大规模的流离失所,这是政府领导的、将古代聚落转变为旅游目的地的运动的结果。