We came down like the rain, hard and angular. I landed in Houston in the midst of a vicious storm, not long before air traffic control grounded all departing flights. This wasn’t in the forecast, I thought – but then the airwaves that weekend were full of shaky predictions: a big Blue Wave was coming, and it was going to break first in Texas. I had arrived for the opening preview of the new Menil Drawing Institute, four days before the US midterm elections. - 我们像雨一样下着,又硬又角。我在一场猛烈的暴风雨中降落在休斯敦,不久,空中交通管制就停止了所有起飞的航班。我想这在预测中没有,但是那个周末的电视广播充满了不稳定的预测:一个巨大的蓝浪即将来临,而且它将在得克萨斯州首开纪录。我是在美国中期选举前四天来参加新梅尼尔画研究所的开幕式预览的。
‘The internet is overrated, give us back telepathy!’ exclaims a work from Sorry for Real (2015) by video artist Tabita Rezaire. Five large light boxes stand one after the other at Aspinwall House, main venue of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale (KMB) 2018. In one, a smartphone is shot in to the scene by a lightning bolt (and a floating message bubble reads, ‘People will f*** u up, then claim to be ur saviour! LOL’). In another, a diamanté-encrusted fingernail hovers over the phone’s answer button, reluctant to pick up a call from the ‘Western World’ (‘No White Tears! Not Today!’). - 互联网被高估了,让我们回心转意!视频艺术家塔比塔·雷扎尔(Ta.Rezaire)的《对不起现实》(2015)中的一幅作品惊叹道。五个大灯箱一个接一个地矗立在高知木兹里斯双年展(KMB)2018年的主会场阿斯宾沃尔大厦。其中一部,智能手机被闪电击中到现场(一个浮动信息泡沫写道,‘人们会跳起来,然后宣称是你的救星!’LOL’)。在另一个例子中,一个镶有钻石的手指甲在电话的应答按钮上盘旋,不愿接听来自“西方世界”的电话(“没有白眼泪!今天不行!''。
Like its namesake, ‘The Oscar Wilde Temple’ is not shy of the limelight. It comes clad in extravagant florals. Gilding abounds, lights sparkle and the décor is nothing if not de trop. - 就像它的名字一样,《奥斯卡王尔德寺庙》并不羞于成为众人瞩目的焦点。它穿着华丽的花束。到处都是镀金,灯光闪闪发光,装饰品如果不是装饰品就没什么了。
Gay is a word that doesn’t have to mean anything, but sometimes does. It swells into significance on occasions when the difference it implies becomes either the target of dispute or the cause of particular celebration. I’m lucky enough to rarely experience dispute and, for that reason, also see little reason to celebrate. Gay’s the air I breathe: it’s perfectly whatever. - “同性恋”这个词并不一定意味着什么,但有时却意味着什么。当它所暗示的差异成为争论的目标或者成为特别庆祝的原因时,它就变得意义重大。我很幸运,很少遇到争执,因此,也没什么理由庆祝。同性恋是我呼吸的空气:完全随便。
On Halloween, the cavernous tunnels of the Deadhouse, a winding crypt-like space in the underground depths of Somerset House thronged with those gathered to celebrate the launch of Ignota Press. The rough brick walls illuminated purple, atmospheric music from DJs Lia Mouse and TTB, and an intoxicating heady aroma of incense filled the corridors. Founded by Sarah Shin and Ben Vickers, Ignota derives its name from the mystic Hildegard of Bingen’s lingua ignota (unknown language), with the aim of defining it as one ‘that makes possible the reimagining and re-enchantment of the world around us’ through books and events that traverse poetry, technology, and speculative mysticism. Their inaugural publication is the anthology: Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry, edited by Shin with Rebecca Tamás, which brings together 36 rising and established voices across 160 pages to explore themes of ‘justice, selfhood, and the transformative power of the occult.’ - 在万圣节前夕,这座死房子的洞穴隧道,是塞默塞特住宅地下深处的一个蜿蜒的地下室,与聚集在一起庆祝伊格诺塔出版社的人们聚集在一起。粗糙的砖墙照亮了来自DJS LIa鼠标和TTB的紫色、大气音乐,充满了令人陶醉的香气。IGNOTA由Sarah Shin和Ben Vickers创立,源于宾根语言IGNOTA(神秘语言)的神秘希尔德加德,其目的是通过遍历诗人的书籍和事件来定义一个“使我们周围世界重新想象和重新魅惑”的“语言”。RY、技术和推测神秘主义。他们的首期出版物是《拼写:21世纪的神秘诗歌》,由Shin和RebeccaTams编辑,该书汇集了36位在160页上崛起和确立的声音,探讨了“正义、自我和神秘的变革力量”的主题。
On Halloween, the cavernous tunnels of the Deadhouse, a winding crypt-like space in the underground depths of Somerset House thronged with those gathered to celebrate the launch of Ignota Press. The rough brick walls illuminated purple, atmospheric music from DJs Lia Mouse and TTB, and an intoxicating heady aroma of incense filled the corridors. Founded by Sarah Shin and Ben Vickers, Ignota derives its name from the mystic Hildegard of Bingen’s lingua ignota (unknown language), with the aim of defining it as one ‘that makes possible the reimagining and re-enchantment of the world around us’ through books and events that traverse poetry, technology, and speculative mysticism. Their inaugural publication is the anthology: Spells: 21st-Century Occult Poetry, edited by Shin with Rebecca Tamás, which brings together 36 rising and established voices across 160 pages to explore themes of ‘justice, selfhood, and the transformative power of the occult.’ - 在万圣节前夕,这座死房子的洞穴隧道,是塞默塞特住宅地下深处的一个蜿蜒的地下室,与聚集在一起庆祝伊格诺塔出版社的人们聚集在一起。粗糙的砖墙照亮了来自DJS LIa鼠标和TTB的紫色、大气音乐,充满了令人陶醉的香气。IGNOTA由Sarah Shin和Ben Vickers创立,源于宾根语言IGNOTA(神秘语言)的神秘希尔德加德,其目的是通过遍历诗人的书籍和事件来定义一个“使我们周围世界重新想象和重新魅惑”的“语言”。RY、技术和推测神秘主义。他们的首期出版物是《拼写:21世纪的神秘诗歌》,由Shin和RebeccaTams编辑,该书汇集了36位在160页上崛起和确立的声音,探讨了“正义、自我和神秘的变革力量”的主题。
Karin Schneider, Sabotage, 2017, installation view CCA Wattis Institute, San Francisco. Courtesy: the artist - Karin Schneider,破坏,2017,安装视图CCA WATIS研究所,旧金山。礼貌:艺术家
E. M. Forster’s 1924 novel A Passage to India hinges on a dramatic scene that takes place deep in the fictitious Marabar Caves. The young Englishwoman, Adela Quested, escorted to the caves on an excursion led by the Muslim physician, Dr. Aziz, experiences an attack, panics, and flees. When the distraught Quested is found among the hills, she’s described as ‘practically done for – her helmet off.’ While Forster leaves the truth of what happened in the caves intentionally vague, the rest of the novel reckons with the accusation leveled at Dr. Aziz that he attempted to assault her. A trial ensues, laying bare the fragile ties holding the English and the natives together. - E.M.福斯特的1924部小说《印度之行》是一个戏剧性的场景,发生在虚拟的马拉巴尔洞穴深处。年轻的英国妇女阿德拉·奎斯特德在穆斯林医生阿齐兹医生的带领下前往洞穴探险,她经历了一次袭击、恐慌和逃亡。当在山间发现奎斯特德心烦意乱时,她被形容为“几乎完成了——摘掉了头盔”。虽然福斯特故意模糊了洞穴里发生的事情的真相,但小说的其余部分还是根据对阿齐兹博士的指控来推测,他企图袭击阿齐兹。给她打电话。随后,英国人和土著人之间的脆弱关系暴露在一起。
There are perils in deploying bigotry to score political points, but meanings also shift from West to East - 部署偏执政治得分有危险,但意义也从欧美地区转移到东部。