‘Within the Revolution everything, against the Revolution nothing,’ declared Fidel Castro to the Cuban intelligentsia in 1961. Those words put an end to a debate over whether the state was justified in its censure of a film about nightlife at Havana’s port and led to the closure of Cuba’s premiere cultural magazine, Lunes de Revolución. While that infamous phrase has defined Cuba’s cultural policy ever since, its interpretation has varied depending on the political climate of the country. Nowadays Cuba enjoys international prestige for its free art education and its roster of home-grown art stars, but abstract painting, homoerotic fiction, scatological performances, anti-authoritarian poems, political punk rock and rap have fallen outside the boundaries of acceptability at many stages of the revolution, leading to arrests, the social death of several intellectuals and the confiscation of art works. - 1961年,卡斯特罗向古巴知识分子宣称:“在革命中,一切都是反对革命的,什么都不是。”这些话结束了关于哈瓦那政府对一部关于哈瓦那港口夜生活的电影的批评是否正当的辩论,并导致古巴首映的文化杂志《Lunes de Revolucin》的关闭。尽管这个臭名昭著的词组自那时起就界定了古巴的文化政策,但其解释因政治而异。国家的气候。如今,古巴因其自由的艺术教育和本国艺术明星的名册而享有国际声誉,但抽象绘画、同性恋小说、讽刺表演、反独裁诗歌、政治朋克摇滚和饶舌在革命的许多阶段都已超出了可接受的范围,导致社会被捕。一些知识分子的死亡和艺术品的没收。
In the art-market documentary The Price of Everything (2018), Amy Cappellazzo of Sotheby’s suggests positioning works in a corporate atrium as a one-way route to career death. As the auctioneer sees it, once you wind up in the lobby, there’s no getting out. It seems an irresistibly knowing gesture, then, to mount an ambitious show of textile works – a medium, in a less appreciative era, synonymous with lobby art – within the entrance hall and stairwell of a 1960s corporate block. - 在艺术市场纪录片《万物价格》(2018)中,苏富比的艾米·卡佩拉佐(Amy Cappellazzo)建议将公司中庭中的作品定位为职业死亡的单行道。正如拍卖商看到的那样,一旦你在大厅里出现,就没有出去了。那么,在上世纪60年代一个商业街区的入口大厅和楼梯间举办一场雄心勃勃的纺织品展览似乎是一种不可抗拒的明智的姿态——一种媒介,在一个不那么欣赏的时代,与大堂艺术同义。
An essay by the respected Professor Norman Geras has been flagged by the University of Reading as ‘sensitive’ under UK’s Counter-Terrorism scheme - 英国雷丁大学(University of.)日前宣布,英国著名教授诺曼·格拉斯(Norman Geras)的一篇论文在英国反恐计划下显得“敏感”。
It's clear (isn't it?) that anti-democratic forces are at work when wealthy individuals exert the equivalent influence of political parties. And it’s weird (isn't it?) when oligarchs start extolling democracy. - 很清楚(不是吗?)当富有的个人发挥政党的同等影响力时,反民主势力就在起作用。这很奇怪(不是吗?)寡头们开始赞美民主。
In the summer of 1990, the Canadian government deployed the largest number of troops since the Korean War. Tanks and guns and jackbooted soldiers arrived not overseas but in the small Quebecois town of Oka to enforce the construction of an additional nine holes on a local golf course. The extension of the leisure class’ grass playground would mean further destruction of The Pines, a traditional burial ground of the nearby Mohawk communities of Kanehsatàke and Kahnawake. In response to this threat, approximately 30 Mohawk men erected a barricade to block entrance into The Pines. After confrontation with local police, this blockade swelled. Canadian media and official record called it the Oka Crisis; for the Mohawks, it was the Oka Uprising. This, too, is how it is remembered by the hundreds of Native peoples throughout North America who followed the blockade on television, or travelled to join in arms, or learned about it years later, as I did from a future elder. As the artist Rebecca Belmore has said: ‘All Native people were affected by that summer.’ Like the shooting down of General George Custer during the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876, it is one of our beloved victories. - 1990夏季,加拿大政府自朝鲜战争以来部署了最多的军队。坦克、枪支和轻便马靴的士兵没有到达海外,而是到达了魁北克小镇奥卡,在当地的高尔夫球场上建造了另外九个洞。休閒阶层的草地游乐场的扩展将意味着松树园的进一步破坏,松树园是邻近的莫霍克社区Kanehsatàke和Kahnawake的传统墓地。为了应对这一威胁,大约30名莫霍克人竖起路障阻止松树进入。在与当地警察发生冲突后,封锁加强了。加拿大媒体和官方记录称这是OKA危机;对于莫霍克人来说,这是奥卡起义。这也是北美各地数百个土著民族如何记住的,他们跟随电视上的封锁,或前往参加武装,或多年后了解它,就像我从未来的长辈那里做的那样。正如艺术家丽贝卡·贝尔莫尔(Rebecca Belmore)所说:“所有原住民都受到那个夏天的影响。”就像1876年在小巨角战役中乔治·卡斯特将军被击毙一样,这是我们最爱的胜利之一。
On 16 February , Black Panther was released in the US to a tidal wave of excitement, especially in the African American community – and why not, given its unapologetic blackness, its undeniable coolness and its overall excellence. Featuring great acting, sumptuous costumes, luscious landscapes, action, intrigue, CGI etc., Black Panther had something for everyone – including, as it turns out, people in the art world. Fifteen minutes into the movie, after a few crucial plot points are pinned down, we see an establishing shot: a gleaming white Richard Meier building with a gaudy ‘Museum of Great Britain’ sign on the front. This is the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Georgia, standing in as a fictionalized version of the British Museum, we suppose. The next shot is that of a person we will come to know as Killmonger, his back facing us, looking at a vitrine filled with African artifacts. He has apparently requested that the curator in charge of the installation – a soignée white woman who saunters in with a coffee cup and a falsely modest hesitation in her voice – be summoned so he can ask some sly questions: - 2月16日,“黑豹”号在美国被放行,掀起了一阵兴奋的浪潮,特别是在非洲裔美国人社区——鉴于它无可辩解的黑暗、不可否认的冷静和它的整体优秀,为什么不放行?黑豹以出色的表演、华丽的服装、美妙的风景、动作、阴谋、CGI等为特色,每个人都有自己的东西,包括艺术界的人。电影开始15分钟,在确定了几个关键的情节要点后,我们看到了一幅建立镜头:一幢闪闪发光的白色理查德·梅尔建筑,前面有一个华丽的“大不列颠博物馆”标志。这是格鲁吉亚亚特兰大的高等艺术博物馆,我们认为它是大英博物馆的一个虚构的版本。下一个镜头是我们将要认识的杀戮贩子,他背对着我们,看着装满非洲人工制品的玻璃瓶。显然,他已经要求召集负责这个装置的馆长——一个带着咖啡杯和假装谦虚的犹豫声闲逛的白人老妇人——来,这样他可以问一些狡猾的问题:
In a darkened temperature-controlled room sit several seminal artworks the public has never seen. Hoards of could-be national treasures populate vast storage vaults. All of them out of view and consideration. What makes an artwork acquired by a museum worthy of wall space, while others are locked away? While efforts have been made behind the scenes to balance collections through acquiring more work by people of colour, this isn’t always reflected in what public eyes see. Hoisting up this much-needed discussion about what museums choose to collect and to show, ‘Speech Acts: Reflection-Imagination-Repetition’ at Manchester Art Gallery curated by Hammad Nasar with Kate Jesson, impels viewers to consider art history’s negative space and also the ways in which our encounters with art are inherently shaped by what is shown and what isn’t. - 在黑暗温度控制的房间里坐着一些公众从未见过的精巧艺术品。囤积的财宝可能是国家宝藏中的巨大储藏库。所有这些都是不可见的和考虑的。是什么使得艺术品被一个有墙空间的博物馆所获得,而另一些则被锁住了呢?虽然人们在幕后通过获取有色人种更多的作品来平衡收藏,但这并不总是反映在公众眼中。在哈马德·纳萨尔和凯特·杰森共同主持的曼彻斯特美术馆举办的“演讲行为:反思-想象-重复”展览会上,展开了关于博物馆选择收藏和展览的迫切需要的讨论,促使观众思考艺术史的消极空间以及我们如何看待艺术史。与艺术的相遇本质上是由所展示的和不存在的来塑造的。
‘observing eyes, flexible minds and skilled hands’Josef Albers, Search Versus Re-Search (1969)Since its inception, in 2012, the Istanbul Design Biennial has carved a space for thought-provoking and critical curatorial positions unlike any other event in the global design calendar. Titled ‘A School of Schools’ and curated by Jan Boelen with Nadine Botha and Vera Sacchetti, its fourth edition looks to education and learning paradigms that, as the curators write in their introductory essay, look ‘beyond design as solution and school as institution’. The curatorial premise builds upon a century-long history of pedagogical critique and cultural radicalism – from the 1919 Bauhaus Manifesto, to Black Mountain College, to the ‘hippie modernism’ of the Whole Earth Catalog and the Italian Global Tools initiative, among many others. While inspired by such precedents, the biennial seeks to interrogate their legacy, as well as to reflect on the inadequateness of extant educational models vis-à-vis the uneven socio-economic conditions of the global present. Searching for alternative propositions to rescue design education from the functional pragmatism of industrialized creativity, ‘A School of Schools’ asks: ‘What if the school we need now is a personal attitude of questioning and figuring out?’ - “观察的眼睛,灵活的头脑和熟练的手”约瑟夫·阿尔伯斯,搜索与重新搜索(1969)伊斯坦布尔设计双年展自2012年成立以来,已为发人深省和关键的策展位置开辟了一个空间,不同于全球设计日历上的任何其他活动。它的第四版名为“学校学校”,由简·波伦与纳丁·博塔和维拉·萨切蒂共同策划,它着眼于教育和学习范式,正如馆长在介绍性论文中写道,这些范式超越了设计作为解决方案,学校作为机构。策展的前提是建立在从1919包豪斯宣言教育批判文化激进主义–长达一个世纪的历史,在黑山学院,对整个地球的目录”和“嬉皮士现代意大利全球工具主动,等等。而受这样的先例,两年一次的试图询问他们的遗产,以及反映不够现存的教育模式对à可见的全球存在不均匀的社会经济条件。寻找替代主张救援设计教育从工业化创新功能的实用主义,“学校学校问:“如果我们需要学校现在是一个人的质疑和发现的态度?’