Awol Erizku 个展:COSMIC DRILL 宇宙钻

Cosmic Drill 是洛杉矶艺术家Awol Erizku 与布朗美术馆(Ben Brown Fine Arts)合作的第三次个展。继个展「慢慢燃燒(Slow Burn) 」(香港,2018)和《Make America Great Again (让美国再次伟大)》(伦敦,2017)之后,本次个展将展示一系列新的作品,这批作品融合了绘画、摄影和雕塑等综合媒介,其中包括有街头涂鸦、嘻哈音乐、篮球和NASA的望远镜数据元素。

展览命名「Cosmic Drill(宇宙钻)」源自嘻哈音乐的分支「Drill music」(钻音乐),该分支起源于2010年代早期,受嘻哈音乐早期 Trap music(陷阱音乐)的影响,同样具有「黑暗、中毒、迷幻」的音乐氛围,中毒性更强,所渲染的暗黑气氛更独特、浓厚。在国内也极具传播热度。

拒绝被定义的 Awol Erizku 以变色龙般的创造力借由人们常见的街头元素,重新定义了我们熟悉的感官世界,他将布朗画廊的白色空间变成了全黑色调,10幅大型铝画作品上跳脱的荧光色涂鸦更显迷幻。

Awol Erizku:COSMIC DRILL 宇宙钻
27 JANUARY – 6 APRIL 2023


Ben Brown Fine Arts is proud to present Cosmic Drill, our third solo exhibition of Los Angeles-based artist Awol Erizku. The exhibition follows his highly acclaimed shows with Ben Brown Fine Arts, 慢慢燃燒 Slow Burn (Hong Kong, 2018) and Make America Great Again (London, 2017). This exhibition will unveil an alluring new body of work that converges the mediums of painting, photography, and sculpture, while harnessing myriad influences including street markings, hip-hop music, basketball, and NASA telescopic data.

The exhibition title Cosmic Drill references a subgenre of hip hop music, Drill music, which originated in the early 2010s and takes influence from an earlier subgenre of hip-hop, Trap music.


©Ben Brown Fine Arts. Photograph by Tom Carter.


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